Saturday, September 30, 2006

Busy Day

It is going to be a busy day. We will make our usual stop at Bojangles for breakfast. When I was bleary-eyed at 6:13 this morning and unwilling to start my day, I was thinking about breakfast. Sausage biscuit & grits. Break the sausage into the grits, eat the biscuit separately. 2 hours later when I got up that idea still sounded good. After breaking our fast, we will be off to our grocery establishment of choice. Should not have to get much due to the week ahead: full of activity - nearly every night this week! I'll worry about the waistline later...

Next on the list is helping Kiddo finish up her move out of the house. It happened suddenly and without much warning. *shrug* Oh, well. After getting her settled, we will be off to Raleigh. We've heard there is some sort of motorcycle rally/street party/festival taking place on the Fayetteville Street mall. We thought we'd check it out. Why not? We were planning to drive to Raleigh anyway for today's coupe de grace!

Andy was very generous and bought tickets for The Lion King. We'll be at tonight's performance. I'm so excited! We haven't been to a play in Raleigh since Kiddo was in 5th? 6th? grade? It is something I would like to do at least once a year. Funny how the years are slipping by....

There is but one problem: How does one dress for both a motorcycle rally and a traveling Broadway play?

Monday, September 25, 2006


Spare me the 'christianese' and help with some practicality.

How does one stop worrying about someone over whom there is no control?

How does one keep the frustration from taking over and putting blemishes & scars all over the relationship?

How does one stop hurting? The truth is there-still not grasped, still not understood or put into practice, causing more heartache, grief, drama-and screws up the existence of the ones who care.

How does one verbalize without being accused of judgmentalism?

How does one trust when there have been more lies than truth?

How does one get over wanting SO MUCH for someone who appears to want nothing for themselves?

I know we can't make a person care. What I want to know is how does one stop caring?


Thursday, September 21, 2006


Why are they referred to as a "pair" of sunglasses? For that matter, why are they referred to as "they?"

Playing Catch Up

There is a lot about which to write. The problem is time. There is never enough of it. The update will not occur anytime soon. Tomorrow morning I will be on my way to Miami. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

MY Celeb Look Alike!

MyHeritage - photo albums with facial recognition

The Mommie Sense

Kiddo has been very sick since Thursday. She hasn't been home, though. She has been at another house receiving the necessary TLC. Or at least that is what I thought.

I woke up at 1:05 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. My mind wandered from songs we've sung at church, to Kiddo, to prayers, to work and back to songs again. I gave up on sleep around 2:15, telling God I needed to know what was wrong. Getting up, I slipped quietly out of my bedroom and stood in the dark hallway. Something wasn't right. There was no light coming out from under Kiddo's bedroom door. She always leaves a light burning when she isn't home. I thought maybe Andy turned off the light before he went to bed...but it just did not 'feel' right.

After taking a few more steps down the hall I realized Kiddo's door was open. When I peered inside I couldn't make out anything. There was a black lump on her bed that very easily could have been blankets. It was Kiddo. She was curled up in a little ball. I dropped onto the floor beside her platform bed and brushed my fingertips on her forehead, looking for fever. Her eyes fluttered open and we had some whispered conversation. I stayed with her until 4am and then made my way back to my own bed until the alarm went off at 5:30.

Why is this strange? Earlier Monday night Kiddo told the person she was staying with that she wanted her mommie. She wanted to go home. Around midnight they made moves to get her to her own bed. The person who drove her here asked, "Do you want me to call your mom and let her know you're coming?" Kiddo said, "No. My Mommie will know I am home and that I need her."

Shannon got home at 12:30am. And now you know the rest of the story.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

You Know You Work in a Redneck Town When...

You stand in line at the bank and see that along with the lollipops for the kids, the bank also supplies Milkbones for the dogs who ride around with their owners. Not only that, but there is a greater supply of the doggie treats than the kiddie ones!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hrm...No Comments...

I guess when I posted two days ago I was making the assumption that other people would be struck by the words of the nameless psychologist. There are others who could be considered psychologists that have said things along the same lines...
casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ
I have spread out My hands all day long to a rebellious people, Who walk in the way which is not good, following their own thoughts
Many times my untamed thoughts have led me astray. Even with the foundational words here - the solid advice about keeping our thoughts under control.

I know I am not the only person who has made the same mistake. Hopefully, I will not be the only person making a concerted effort to do better in this area of life.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Now That's a Kicker...

While it is true that I have been somewhat critical of Joel Osteen and his devotional entitled, Your Best Life Now, a sentence in the last paragraph of today's reading caused me to pause and reread. And reread. And reread. I wonder if the sentence will strike you as well.

"Psychologists are convinced that our lives move in the direction of our most dominant thoughts."

Don't pass judgment on that statement yet. Take a few moments to consider your life, some of the decisions you have made, and why you have made them.


Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Class: Wasting Your Saturday, 101


  1. Spend three hours taking silly online girly quizzes
  2. Read the results
  3. Decide which results to make public
  4. Post!

Your Gemstone is Amber

Creative, happy, and logical.
You shine in any intellectual endeavor

Okay so amber isn't what I consider a 'gemstone,' but I like what the silly quiz maker said about it!

You Are a Double Espresso

Hey Energizer Bunny Girl! Do you ever slow down?
You're a mix of high energy and ambition, perfectly matched with strong espresso
When you want something you get it - by any means possible
You're driven, determined, and no nonsense. Which is just how you like your java.

Espresso! Yeah, Baby!

Your True Sign Is Aquarius

Cutting Edge
A Total Freak
Difficult to Predict
Breaking All The Rules
Independent and Inventive

So much for the 'balance' I am supposed to have by being a Libra!

You Are A Lily

You are a nurturer and all around natural therapist.
People see you as their rock. And they are able to depend on you.
You are a soothing influence. You can make people feel better with a few words.
Your caring has more of an impact than even you realize.

Aw...Ain't that sweeeeeeeeet? *gag*

You Are 24% Girly

You are a pretty hardcore tomboy, and a very free spirit.
Gender roles be dammed, you like to do things your way.

I like this one. It means I can write (and rewrite) my own rules. Meaning, I can be as girly as I want (or not)!

You are a Career Girl!

You may not be a CEO yet, but you're well on your way to success.
You take your career seriously, and you wouldn't stop working for any guy!
An independent woman, you pay for your own car, clothes, and housing.
And men appreciate that - at least, the ones as driven as you are.

Eh. I think I'd rather be "Party Girl!"

You Are Fall!


No surprise here. Autumn has always been my favorite season.

Your Aura is Blue

Your Personality: Your natural warmth and intuition nurtures those around you. You are accepting and always follow your heart.

You in Love: Relationships are your top priority, and this includes love. You are most happy when you are serious with someone.

Your Career: You need to help others in your job to feel satistifed. You would be a great nurse, psychologist, or counselor.

Blue is good.

Your Fashion Style is Girly

You dress to look beautiful and show off what you've got
Dresses, skirts, heels... whatever it takes to turn heads
You love feeling like a girl in any setting
Even your workout clothes are cute and feminine!

But I thought I was only 24% girly??

You Should Wear Charcoal

Cool and relaxed, you always look forward to the start of fall.
Gray represents your peace with the world and your surroundings.

Like blue, gray is good.

You are Betty Grable

The ulitmate girl next door
You're the perfect girl for most guys
Pretty yet approachable. Beautiful yet real.

You Have Your PhD in Men

You understand men almost better than anyone. You accept that guys are very different, and you read signals well.
Work what you know about men, and your relationships will be blissful.

Most PhDs take 8 years. Mine took 24!

Your Power Color Is Blue

Relationships and feelngs are the most important things to you.
You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.
If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.
You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.

Blue? Again?

Your Passion is Purple!

You've got a ton of passion, but you don't always wear it on your sleeve.
If something truly excites you, you let your inner intensity shine through.
But otherwise, your passion tends to morph into energy ... which you never lack.
You're a balanced woman, knowing when to turn on the fire in your heart.

I like this. I like this a lot.

You Belong in New York City

You're an energetic, ambitious woman.
And only NYC is fast enough for you.
Maybe you'll set yourself up with a killer career
Or simply take in all the city has to offer.

Always knew I was a big city girl!

You Are Uptown

You are classy, cultured, and well educated. You are an expert on the finer things in life.
Your city girl persona loves all of the opportunities a city offers. But only in the best neighborhoods.

Make that an uptown big city girl.

You are a Romantic Realist

Okay, so you fall in the middle.
You know that love isn't like a greeting card...
Yet you can always find a greeting card to describe your feelings.

You are the best of both worlds
Girly yet independent, dreamy yet serious.
Almost any guy can find balance with you.

This smells of being wishy-washy or indecisive. Oh yeah. That is me....

You are White Chocolate

You have a strong feminine side with a good bit of innocence thrown in.
Whether your girlish ways are an act or not, men like to take care of you.
You are an understated beauty, and your power is often underestimated!

I don't even like white chocolate.

You Are a Natural Beauty!

You're the kind of beauty that every guy dreams about...
One that looks good in the morning - without a stich of makeup
That's doesn't mean you're a total hippie chic though
You have style, but for you, style is effortless

I don't know about that "every guy dreams about" stuff...but I don't do a lot of make-up.

You Are a Sleek Black Bra!

Subtle, sophisticated, and classy.
You're not the first woman a man notices in the room...
But you're the one he remembers a week later.
You need a guy who will make a lasting impression on you too!

This might be a little on the personal side, but it does describe my life. When I met Andy, I wasn't the first one he noticed. And now you know the rest of the story!

Late for The Open

Yes, I am late with my predictions for today. However, it has not been a secret that I believed Federer would be in the finals. Restating a previously posted opinion, Roddick will also be there.

I was unhappy with Mauresmo's loss yeserday. This evening we will have what I hope will be the distinct pleasure of watching Maria Sharapova against Justine Henin-Hardenne in the ladies' final. The winner? Hard to tell. I'm going with Justine, but I have my doubts.

Oh yeah. Because Sharapova beat Mauresmo, I now owe a co-worker a banana. =/

I hope I can remember to take it to work on Monday!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Goodbye, James.

Sometimes I hate it when I'm right.

With the exception of the second set, Blake fought hard last night. The problem is Federer is such a machine out there. The fact that he is ultra-talented is only part of his success. He is also a smart, quick-thinking competitor.

And so today brings the Ladies' Semi-finals. Henin-Hardenne vs. Jankovic, Mauresmo vs. Sharapova. What say I? The fighting miniature tiger that is Henin-Hardenne will win her slot in the finals. And so will Mauresmo. Sharapova has been falling apart slowly during these championships. Her serve failed her repeatedly during the Golovin match. Amelie, on the other hand, appears to be improving her play as she goes.

Oh. And I seriously dislike the fact that Sharapova's dad is coaching her from the stands. He eats a banana, Maria takes a bite or two. He drinks Gatorade, she goes for her "magic elixir." Coaching during a match is against the rules.

Mauresmo & Henin-Hardenne in the final.

On a side note, my success rate in the area of predictions has moved up to 70% overall.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Day Eleven

Tournament play is winding down in Flushing Meadow. Today we will see one half of the Men's Quarter finals.

After taking out Safin, Tommy Haas meets up with Davydenko. Nikolay is one of those quiet players who has snuck through the draw. I like his chances today. Haas is a fighter, though. *sigh* Another potentially good match that I will miss. I will, however, be tuned into US Open live radio. But then, this match is the last of the big 11:00 starting block. Maybe I'll get a peek or two after I come home from work!

James, James, James. Even with the help of your infamous J-Block, I believe your tournament is coming to an end this evening. I do not pay attention to the odds makers, but it is my guess Roger is heavily favored to win tonight. I've not said much about Federer. Roger Federer is a graceful, intelligent, and powerful champion. Nadal has proven Federer can be beaten...just not very often.

Fifty year old Martina Navratilova is also playing today. She and her mixed doubles partner Bob Bryan have also advanced to the quarter finals. Like Andre, Martina is retiring (again) after this tournament. She is and has been an incredible athlete. I hope she goes out with a big win!

Oh! Andy Roddick took out Lleyton Hewitt in straight sets last night!


I see a Federer/Roddick final.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


In the spirit of American television, I have decided to post a commerical. (or two)

Aslan promotes literacy.

He believes that reading is the key to opening up the world of possibility to all who engage in this worthwhile activity.

Okay, maybe I am stretching the truth just a little, but is that not the spirit of commercialism?

So maybe he just likes sitting in that empty spot. Still, literacy is very important and highly underrated.

So, read!

Oh wait a minute. You are reading.

Good for you. Don't you feel as though your life has been enriched?

**NEWSFLASH** The Lady's tennis predictions have netted her an overall success rate of 69%. She is highly dissatisfied but hoping to see improvement in the days to come

Luke advocates the protection of hearing by the use of reasonable sound levels.

As of now, there are no audio companies that manufacture kitty-ear plugs. This is a travesty!

Especially for those domestic animals who live in music-laden homes.

Homes where the man-figure plays cheap, disgusting, electric twangers.

Protect your ears. For hearing's sake, turn it down!!

Rainy Open

The rains hit Flushing Meadow, New York just in time to hold the majority of my faulty projections at bay. As it stands now, my thoughts about Dementieva & Jankovic were wrong. And I do not mind one bit. Dementieva fell apart out there.

So what is up for today? You will find my projected winner in bold.

Safin vs. Haas
Davenport vs. Henin-Hardenne
Blake vs. Berdych (Still not certain about this ALL!)
Murray vs. Davydenko (I do not change my mind mid-match)
Mauresmo vs. Safina
Youzhny vs. Nadal
Federer vs. Gicquel

And tonight's matches: (which I will largely miss due to choir practice)

Sharapova vs. Golovin
Hewitt vs. Roddick.

What? No bold? On my print out of the men's draw, I have Roddick in the winner's slot. The truth is I just don't know. These two duke it out on a regular basis. Neither are strangers to long 5 set matches, though Roddick's last match was much shorter. Roddick has been working hard on his game. Hewitt has mellowed since becoming a married guy with a baby.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Clay Did It..Why Shouldn't I??

Your Learning Style: Innovative and Independent

You are determined and driven. Confident in your abilities, no field is too difficult for you.

You Should Study:

Political Science

Yesterday and Today

So how'd I do with my predictions yesterday? Mens side: 6/10. Ladies: 5/8. Overall it is a mere 61%. Bleh! Ah, well. So goes the game. A couple of the wins were surprises.

And today?

Dementieva vs. Jankovic. What a surprise Jankovic has been! It is nice that the ladies' draw remains unpredictable. However, the whole point behind these US Open posts is prediction. Gotta stick with Dementieva. I agree with the talking heads that she is the most talented female player who has yet to win a major. Perhaps one day she'll get her serve straight. It may take Elena three sets to do it, but I think she will.

I was disappointed that Haas won yesterday. And being seeded 14th makes him the clear favorite in this match. Yet, Safin is playing like a man with a mission. He has the fire back in his eyes and he is an excellent hard court tennis player. Therefore, I am going against the odds. I believe Marat Safin will win this match up. Should be a very interesting time on the court between these two. And I have to work so I'll miss it!

Yesterday I mentioned the "purty" Berdych vs. Blake. (See how old the picture of Blake is?) Anyway, I am sticking by my original thought: Blake will take this one. But it won't be easy. (Go, James!) Have I ever mentioned the fact that I once taught a kid named James Blake? ...for two years!?

Okay, so the folks at the Open messed up my format by having Davenport facing the wrong way! Or maybe not. I think Lindsay is on her way out. This match will be another David vs. Goliath. And in this case, I believe David will prevail. Diminutive Henin-Hardenne is the more fit of the two players. Davenport has had to work harder. If I'm wrong, so be it. I like both players. For me, it's a win-win!

Murray can follow Davenport right out of the stadium. My, my, that sounded harsh, didn't it? Honestly, I am uncertain about who will prevail here. Davydenko is the veteran player. Murray has a brilliant career ahead of him. The question is whether he can handle the pressure of being on Armstrong stadium in the round of 16 at the US Open. We'll see, won't we? My original thought stands: Davydenko.

Federer vs. Gicquel. Yeah. No brainer. But Blogger wouldn't let me load any more pictures onto this page so I guess Federer will get a tribute from me later.

Monday, September 04, 2006

I Was Wrong, and I'm GLAD!

Somebody Stopped Her!

Maybe it is just me, but I have a real problem with this woman. She comes and goes from the game in a whimsical fashion that shows a tremendous lack of respect for the sport. Why does she leave? What brings her back? Her athleticism is rarely in question. What I question is how she can just walk onto the court of Arthur Ashe stadium with a wild card and expect to win without working for it. After not having played for six months or more. I'm glad she lost tonight. I am not forgetting the tough loss of her sister a few years ago or the break-up of parents. Life hands people tough stuff. We deal. Harder to deal with it when you are in the limelight, sure. But it is the price one pays for multimillion dollar fame.

Her opponent has stuck with the game through injury, the shunning of her peers, & extremely unkind press. Seven years passed between her appearances in a Slam final - but she didn't just go away. She played on. Now I have to say the winner of tonight's match has not prepared as well as she could have. She played only two tournaments during this hard court season which makes me wonder about her fitness level. She tends to peak as she goes, but she's played some relatively rough matches already so her ability to recover comes into question. I do not know how much further she will go, but I like her style of play. Next time you have a chance, check out her backhand. It is poetry in motion.

Even with the questions I have in regard to the victor's chances of walking away with the whole enchilada, I was pleased with tonight's result.