Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Mommie Sense

Kiddo has been very sick since Thursday. She hasn't been home, though. She has been at another house receiving the necessary TLC. Or at least that is what I thought.

I woke up at 1:05 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. My mind wandered from songs we've sung at church, to Kiddo, to prayers, to work and back to songs again. I gave up on sleep around 2:15, telling God I needed to know what was wrong. Getting up, I slipped quietly out of my bedroom and stood in the dark hallway. Something wasn't right. There was no light coming out from under Kiddo's bedroom door. She always leaves a light burning when she isn't home. I thought maybe Andy turned off the light before he went to bed...but it just did not 'feel' right.

After taking a few more steps down the hall I realized Kiddo's door was open. When I peered inside I couldn't make out anything. There was a black lump on her bed that very easily could have been blankets. It was Kiddo. She was curled up in a little ball. I dropped onto the floor beside her platform bed and brushed my fingertips on her forehead, looking for fever. Her eyes fluttered open and we had some whispered conversation. I stayed with her until 4am and then made my way back to my own bed until the alarm went off at 5:30.

Why is this strange? Earlier Monday night Kiddo told the person she was staying with that she wanted her mommie. She wanted to go home. Around midnight they made moves to get her to her own bed. The person who drove her here asked, "Do you want me to call your mom and let her know you're coming?" Kiddo said, "No. My Mommie will know I am home and that I need her."

Shannon got home at 12:30am. And now you know the rest of the story.


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