Saturday, September 30, 2006

Busy Day

It is going to be a busy day. We will make our usual stop at Bojangles for breakfast. When I was bleary-eyed at 6:13 this morning and unwilling to start my day, I was thinking about breakfast. Sausage biscuit & grits. Break the sausage into the grits, eat the biscuit separately. 2 hours later when I got up that idea still sounded good. After breaking our fast, we will be off to our grocery establishment of choice. Should not have to get much due to the week ahead: full of activity - nearly every night this week! I'll worry about the waistline later...

Next on the list is helping Kiddo finish up her move out of the house. It happened suddenly and without much warning. *shrug* Oh, well. After getting her settled, we will be off to Raleigh. We've heard there is some sort of motorcycle rally/street party/festival taking place on the Fayetteville Street mall. We thought we'd check it out. Why not? We were planning to drive to Raleigh anyway for today's coupe de grace!

Andy was very generous and bought tickets for The Lion King. We'll be at tonight's performance. I'm so excited! We haven't been to a play in Raleigh since Kiddo was in 5th? 6th? grade? It is something I would like to do at least once a year. Funny how the years are slipping by....

There is but one problem: How does one dress for both a motorcycle rally and a traveling Broadway play?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lion King, cool!!! Have fun!!!!

9:34 AM  

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