Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Being Selfish

People don't usually think of Jesus as selfish. Let's be real: He gave all there is to give and then some. How on earth would anyone ever say He was self-centered? Well, He wasn't. However, there were times when His actions could have been viewed as such.

When Jesus' cousin John the Baptist lost his life, what did Christ do? He left a multitude of people who needed Him and went off to be alone. Why? He was hurting. He was tired. Wonder how far off the mark it would be to say He was discouraged?

Selfish? No. Jesus was in need of healing, strengthening, and peace. There was one way achieve that: going off alone and thinking solely about Himself, if only for a few moments. When He was rejuvenated, He put Himself back in the game.

The death of John the Baptist is but one example of a time when Jesus separated Himself from others. What have I learned from His example? If Jesus Christ, the sinless and perfect Savior, took the time to be alone to nurse His wounds and heal, then it must be okay for us to do the same.


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