Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Gud 'Un

He really is, you know. Yesterday I locked my keys and everything in my car the second I got to work. He left work on the northside of the county, drove home to the southside to get the spare key, came to me on the westside in order to get me into my car, and then drove back to the northside to go back to work.

When I got home yesterday he had run the vacuum. Earlier this week he spent some time at a friend's house trying to fix her water heater (it's ready for burial). Last night we talked about my upcoming trip. He offered to give me all of the money from the Christmas Club account - even though he is not going on the trip with me!

Rarely a complaint, almost always encouragement, unending support.

Yeah, I got me a gud'un.

(God has been good to me like that)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww, shucks
it weren't nothin'

7:45 AM  

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