Monday, September 25, 2006


Spare me the 'christianese' and help with some practicality.

How does one stop worrying about someone over whom there is no control?

How does one keep the frustration from taking over and putting blemishes & scars all over the relationship?

How does one stop hurting? The truth is there-still not grasped, still not understood or put into practice, causing more heartache, grief, drama-and screws up the existence of the ones who care.

How does one verbalize without being accused of judgmentalism?

How does one trust when there have been more lies than truth?

How does one get over wanting SO MUCH for someone who appears to want nothing for themselves?

I know we can't make a person care. What I want to know is how does one stop caring?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

telme wenyu find out how to stop caring!
im desperate to know!

7:14 PM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

I don't think you really want to stop just want to stop hurting. If you stop caring, you lose a little piece of your soul that makes you human, as well as a part of you that is a committed Christ-follower.

These are some of the same questions I asked myself last night as I lay in bed crying over a relationship that I feel sorrow over. I know I'm not a failure, yet it "feels" like failure.

I am still walking this out, but it seems that God keeps telling me to release this person to His care. This is an act of the will that must be repeated, I am finding. A quote re: this is "Where there is no control, there is no responsibility." I am trying my best to let this person bear the responsibility of their actions. I've told this person, "I love you & I'm here when you need me."

There's not much else to do now except wait. And waiting, I'm finding, is quite painful. *sigh*


P.S. I did a SS lesson about Casting Your Care a couple of years ago. I'll post it on my blogspot blog, or you can e-mail me if you're interested. Ben can give you my e-mail addy.

11:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have anything to say.
But I wanted to show some caring by leaving a comment...

7:29 PM  

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