Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I'm a Lumberjack...

As parents, situations involving our children often come to our attention whether we seek the information or not. Most of the time the circumstances come as no surprise to us. Still, we cannot help but shake our heads, roll our eyes, and think, "Here we go again!" When certain occurrences come crashing into our lives we wonder if past decisions we thought were so right were actually all wrong. Parenting is a game of footing, much like a lumberjack trying to keep his balance on a rolling log that is halfway submerged in a cold rushing stream. We fall off on a regular basis, get cold, wet, and discouraged, but something inside us forces us to climb back onto that blasted log and try again. Maybe -this- time we'll get it right...

...whatever "right" is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, when we climb back on that blasted log, it's expected that most of us like you've stated will fall in again. It's kind of like that soap commercial, "Aren't you glad you used dial?" You get dirty then take a shower. Well most of us anyway. Life is all about falling down and getting back up, in this case - Hey ma! Aren't you glad you can swim. Dang that water's cold!!! -Ya other son

Joke for ya ma - "You claim you need to work on your life, better yourself, concentrate on school, try to get a job WAY FAR AWAY FROM Greenville, NC. There's nothing here for ya. Believable- but now you're working on life situations, taking off time for school, needing a better job, looking for a place to stay in Greenville cause you've just become another part of the statistics: young unmarried female with a baby on the way. More power to ya... "We fall down, but we get up.." Thank ya ma for all the help LOL LOL!!

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love that monty python skit.
"i'm a lumberjack and that's okay..."

10:43 PM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

If you figure this out, please let me know.

2:13 AM  

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