Sunday, November 12, 2006

Asking Questions

The asking of questions often adds complications to our lives. It is not so much the question being asked, but to whom the question is directed. Many times we choose the wrong person. Dare I say sometimes we wrongfully ask God when in all honesty the person we need to ask is ourselves.

The "Why am I here" question is like that. What truly matters is our own motive. Why do we do the things we do? Why do we put ourselves or allow ourselves to be put into certain situations? When we take the time to be still and examine our motives, a lot of the outside garbage is put into the proper place. Then, the problem that caused us to ask the question in the first place no longer exists. As usual, it is a matter of perspective. When we find our center, some things just don't matter anymore.

The lesson? Do all that is within our own power to do. The rest is up to someone else or to God. Most things really are out of our control. There is no reason to get upset about those things. In fact, there is no reason to get upset at all. Just do your best, keep your perspective, and let the rest go.

Great words. Wonder why they're so difficult to live by?


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