Monday, February 05, 2007


We all have them...those moments when we do something totally random and childish. Hm. Like standing behind someone and making faces at them when we think they can't see us.

Oh..but get caught in that childish act! What to do?? Well, we tend to freeze up for a moment and then attempt to hide. By "hide", I mean we laugh it off or pretend it never happened at all.

But we're adults now. At least we like to think we are. So, more mortifying than getting caught is the fact that we did it at all. What on earth would motivate us to do something like that?

I dunno.

Do you?


Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

So I dust off my old laptop (symbolically) and head over to blogger to see what's up and see that you have moved to Does that work better for you? It has been an interesting 6 months since I left blogging and think I'll get back on line shortly. Hope all is well with you and your family. Love the T-shirt. Lots of problems with daughter #1. Daughter #2 got suspended from school for fighting so as a punishment I took her out for lunch (another long story). We're in the middle of renovations and additions so the house is a wreck (literally). Anyway, have pictues of most if not all. Take care, I remember you and your family in my prayers. Oh, and I do lots of silly, childish things and most of the time don't mind getting caught, it makes life fun.

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Connie

Its Caroline from England. I have tried to get in touch with you by email loads of times over the last couple of years. PLEASE GET IN TOUCH, I have loads to tell you.

6:02 AM  

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