Thursday, October 13, 2005

A Question for You

How foolish is it of me to ask for prayer from the President and founding member of the Jaded Christian's Society (JCS)? You be the judge:

Lord, I come to you this morning because Connie is concerned about her pigmentation. She told me that she's starting to feel a bit blue, and we know that blue is not the caucasian color that You (O Lord of Heaven and Earth) have designed her to be. And Lord, though she may not realize it, she's broken one of the Charter Rules of the Jaded Christian Society, which, Lord, according to Section VIII, Chapter XIV, Paragraph 3, Subsection 96, B, states that "at no time shall any member of the Society request any prayer for anything at the risk of seeming like one of those other Christians that embarrass us all."

And so, Lord, as I head into this, the second paragraph of this prayer, which according to your Divine Mercies (yay, they are new every morning) allows us to type them instead of simply speaking them into existence, I beseechest Thou to rebuke the pigmentation that is attacking Connie. You did not call her to be a smurf! Lord, I also ask that you allow the other members of the JCS to turn a blind eye toward Connie's transgression (albeit a minor one, O You Who Does Not Change) against the JCS, for Lord, their memory is long and their forgiveness is short. And God, while I'm at it, please forgive me for all of these run on sentences and for violating other various (not to mention sundry) grammatical rules for the English language.

In the name of Your Most Precious and Holy Son That Died On The Cross For Everyone (Including Those That Start To Resemble Smurfs).

It is nice to be able to laugh through tears. Thanks again, Ben!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I thought you were busy today

12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The above comment was meant for the
Fluf-n-Stuff entry :)

3:06 PM  

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