Saturday, October 08, 2005

To Mom with Love and Thanks

(I hope you don't mind your picture being here...)

Mom and Dad have been reading my blog lately. I think that's kind of nifty. Today, I got an email from Mom. It was so nice and supportive I wanted to share parts of it with my other readers. (All 4 of you!)

I am so hoping that your (both of your) determination to work out your personal problems won't conclude in a dissolving of your marriage. I have read how Andy feels about you and it is so deep with love. Also, I think I know that you truly love him. It would be nice if you could be protective of that while at the same time, finding yourself or whatever you are calling it.

All we ever want for you is for you to be comfortable with yourself and to somehow hold on to what you and Andy have that is good. The rest of it can be fixed or laid aside if you have enough love there.

Those words made me feel very loved and accepted. It seems that except for Andy and a few from Pat, Kiddo, and Ben, I haven't had much of that lately. Even now, at the age of 42, my parent's opinions, advice, and support is important to me.

Oh-Mom had this to say about Shannon's art: Somehow I got into Shannon's Blog from yours and I tried to leave a comment about her art work. I am so impressed !!!!

Thanks, Mom. I love you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are not ashamed to share your mom's comments ... now I am the one impressed.
You see, I believe you have a good book in there. Not just one but I'll stay focused here. What you and Andy are experiencing would make a great "self Help" book. You do have the talent and also the humor to make it a good travel for a less than humorous subject. Any wheels turning?

ps find a better photo :o)


10:46 PM  

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