Thursday, September 29, 2005


This is my boss. She is known (by persons other than herself) by many nicknames, one of which is "IsaWitch."

I have worked with/for IsaWitch for many years. She wasn't all that horrible for me to work for in the years prior to my being an office employee, but how things have changed, Oh My!

She doesn't let me do my job. I am not paid to think, answer questions, or be supportive to any other staff member. I am to do only as she tells me, when she tells me, and nothing more. Well, that must be an accurate statement. She has told others that I am 'just a secretary' and should not be asked any questions whatsoever. The only problem with this is that SHE cannot answer the questions that are being asked. This creates a vicious cyclone. There are many of them in my workplace these days.

This is me. (Okay, so I should be holding a cat rather than a scruffy looking dog.) Every morning, I go into work hopeful that the day will bring improvements. Life is an adventure, after all, and one really should face it optimistically.

Of course, my hopes are often dashed and my frustration becomes evident. I even start to take on a greenish cast to my face and wonder if one day I will look like HER. Not possible, you might exclaim! Ah my dear ones, give it time. Even poppies won't get me out of the mess I'm in - unless someone comes along and tosses water on HER...or drops a house on her head.

Nearly every day I am called into HER presence so she can everso patiently explain to me (again) that I am a brainless robot. I must not express opinions. I must clear everything with HER before acting on anything.

Do you see the pleading expression on my face? I try to explain - even beg her to let me do my job. All to no avail.

It would be a sad, sad state of affairs and I would despair completely but for my ruby slippers. They have the power to make her own words and adamantly explained instructions come back to haunt HER. Repeatedly. The magical sparkly slippers have found a way to keep HER very busy all day long so she can't come by and blow her hot air all over my beautiful red curly hair. Thus, it stays curly and I remain hopeful for yet another day.

Kansas may be more predictable. It may even be a nicer place. But it isn't as fun as Oz. In Oz, a person can get theirs without being suspected of doing a thing. It is just a matter of one's perspective. Nothing more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Pretty

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that Isawitch is in a way "transcendent." She works at a lot of places. For some reason, I feel like praying for you. So that is what I shall do>

8:30 PM  

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