Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A Post from Yogi Bear!

Ben wanted to comment on my latest blog entry, but decided his thoughts were too lengthy. Therefore, he sent me an email. Because I consider Ben both wise and witty, I decided to share his thoughts. I hope you enjoy them. As a post-script, I used a smaller font in the hopes that Ben's input would be considered a reasonable length.
"When normal Christians talk about worship, one analogy they love to use is how people get all excited for sports, but can't seem to muster the same excitement for Jesus. In fact, my dad used this on many occasions when we were doing ministry.

'If you can get excited over a basketball, or a piece of pigskin, why can't you get as excited for Jesus Christ????'

The main reason is that if you did start shouting and screaming as if you were at a sporting event during a church service, the ushers would escort you out of the service and the prayer team would try to cast demons out of you.

But anyway, it seems that your problem is exactly the opposite. You feel free to express yourself during worship, but when you're in a public (or as a real Christian would say, "secular") setting, you don't feel that same freedom. I don't know that this is exactly a problem, but it's interesting.

I also appreciate the kind words about yours truly. I wonder if I could put 'wise beyond my experience' on a resume. I could probably put it right under 'Pretty dang humble' and 'smarter than the average bear.'"


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