Sunday, September 25, 2005


My neighbor, Charlie Smith, died on Friday from complications following a motorcycle accident. Charlie was one of those "good guys." You know the type: always throwing parties & inviting folks from all over, going out of his way to help, and strolling across the street to talk to Andy whenever they were both outside at the same time. I sat still on the couch as I read his obituary in the paper today. Stunned is a good word to use. Charlie was so full of life. And as previously stated, he was a good guy.

After reading about Charlie's death, Andy and I walked around the neighborhood for a few minutes. He took it really hard. Andy wondered aloud about the justice in this world - that great guys like Charlie would die too soon, while scoundrels and the like lived good long lives.

I was reminded of
Jenny's blog entry, ironically posted on Friday. In it, she mentions the mercy of God showing through the disasters following hurricanes Katrina and Rita. While I may not agree with her thoughts regarding the judgment of God, I do agree with the ones about mercy.

Charlie was 65 years old. He had bad knees, a bad back, and some minor heart trouble. He was retired and getting slightly bored, I think. He was a member of Greenville Church of God, and I know in my heart he knew Christ. Is it so awful that he is now out of pain and home at last? Couldn't that be seen as the mercy of God?

A person might think about Charlie's wife and his family which includes seven grandchildren. It is a good thing Charlie had such a large family. His wife will not be left alone, nor will she be completely lonely. Andy and I have already seen evidence of a large support network for this shy & quiet woman. The fact that she also knows Christ is good - He will comfort her, as well. God will use family members, church friends, and who knows? Maybe even His angels to comfort Cecilia.

You may still have questions concerning the scalawags of the world: they cause trouble, pain, and heartache for the rest of us. Yet, they continue in their lives, seemingly untouched by the negative circumstances that seem to constantly surround those of us who believe. This too, in my mind, is God's mercy. He is continuing to let them live - and I can see Him knocking ... knocking..knocking on the doors of their hearts, giving them chance after chance to acknowledge Him as Lord. Were we any better before we knew Him and accepted His free gift?

Yes, I can see mercy in this situation. Charlie is pain free and knows no sorrow. Cecilia will experience the love of Christ in new ways. And the cads of the world will continue to be wooed by God.

In some strange way, it all makes sense to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very Nice.
Thank you for taking the time to write this.
I love you

6:27 AM  

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