Sunday, October 09, 2005

Freebootin & Forgotten Facts

A few weeks ago Andy and I attended our very first Freeboot Friday. Nevermind that these events have been going on for 5 years! They take place on corner of 5th and Evans on the weeks when ECU has a home football game. There are live bands & giveaways. The band was pretty good the night we attended, with the bass player and one guitar player being quite good. The lead singer was drunk but having a good time so it didn't seem to matter. What amazed me was how people would just get out there and dance! The didn't care that they had no rhythm or formal training. It was inconsequential that they were out there in front of a thousand people. They, like the lead singer, were having a good time and that was the most important thing. I was amazed. I could never do something like that! I mentioned to Andy that I wished I could be as uninhibited as the dancing masses were.

This morning at church I recalled how people have often talked to me about the openness of my worship. It is true - and slightly embarrassing - that I am an extrovert and have a no-holds barred approach during the music service at church. This is what crossed my mind this morning: How many people look at me in the same manner that I looked at the folks in attendance at Freeboot Friday? How many wished they could be as uninhibited as the free worshipers they see on Sunday? People aren't all that different. We just occupy different places. Still..if I can be free in worship to God, why not take that freedom to other areas of my life?

I wrote a couple of posts in late August and early September on the subject "When Love Isn't Enough." My friend Ben disagreed with me both times I approached the subject. The second time I blogged about love, Ben emailed me about why he disagreed with my viewpoint. I countered with several valid points, playing Devil's advocate as usual. I had planned to blog both emails and add commentary in a continuing defense of my position, but something happened at church this morning:

I was gently reminded that the love of Christ is enough. It is enough for every need we have. It is up to us to tap into that love and accept it as freely as it is given to us. I remembered that the love of Christ is what gives people the ability to (truly, madly, deeply) love others with a depth that is unexplicable; with the same depth that He loves us. This is the love that becomes the glue for any relationship. Not only that, but this love needs to be protected and nurtured at any cost. Jesus does His part and we need to do ours. The same holds true in an earthly relationship. It is a mutual job that should be tackled by both people.

Ben is wise beyond his experiences. His faith and staunch belief in certain things is a real gift to me. It is refreshing to have a Christian friend who thinks unselfishly and has no hidden motives or agendas. So to Ben I say: Don't stop vocalizing your beliefs when you are given a chance. Keep right on 'planting seed.' You know more than you think you do and you are a real credit to the "Jaded Christians Society." Thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go go Boots and Go go Ben !

11:04 PM  

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