Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Rant about Randall

CBS News correspondent Randall Pinkston just ticked me off. I already have a huge dislike for the way the news media sensationalizes things. And we think the drama in and around our own lives is excessive!

Pinkston was talking about the fuel shortage in Louisiana and Texas. Long lines at gas stations and irate patrons were shown and commiserated with: "Oh I know, you poor baby," [insert meaningless pat on the back,] "that big bad president is just a mean old man." The scenes were punctuated by Pinkston saying something like this: After the President has asked people to cut down on unnecessary travel, George W. Bush has burned 22,000 gallons of jet fuel in the past 3 days. Pinkston further remarked that Bush has been to Louisiana 7 times in the past three weeks. Well, duh! I guess Pinkston believes fuel is better wasted by the working class schmuck. (And that's me, folks)

This poor guy can't win!! First, he's railed on by all kinds of groups stating that the country's response to Katrina, in a nutshell, sucked. That Bush didn't care. That his environmental policies were the cause of so much death and destruction.

Now that the man is trying to take a hands-on approach, Pinkston whines about gas consumption. I think that is just plain moronic. What's the matter, Randy? Slow day in the newsroom? There's a whole lot more going on in the world without you making it seem like Bush is a horrible, wasteful fuel hog rather than a man simply doing his job. Wake up, Pinkston. Nobody can have it both ways.

As far as I'm concerned, our Commander in Chief can have my share.


Blogger Doug Bagley said...

don't hold back, tell us how you really feel, lol; hey I agree with you.It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there who feels the President is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your "ready or not here I write".
mom :o)

12:33 AM  

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