Monday, September 26, 2005

Weekend Update


If I had to come up with a short description for my weekend, the word would simply have to be bummer. You already know about Charlie. I wrote about him yesterday. *sigh* There is more, though...

This weekend, one of my more important relationships took a major hit. Granted, the hit has been building for the past several weeks. That fact does not diminish the pain & hardship of it. I try to think about where it will go from here, but the emotions are still too raw & fresh to spend much time dwelling on it.

I took some long looks at myself in the mirror. They were hard looks. I did not like what I saw. Being in therapy tends to do that to a person ~ create those long looks, I mean. How much can I change? How much do I want to? Do I even have the strength to do it?

Rush went to sleep today. Permanently. I don't know how much more to write about this except to say the vet was very nice and confirmed our decision was the right one. I'm sad.

I feel overwhelmed. I feel bruised and very tired. The past few days have been very rough for me, and the beat-up feeling is evident on my face.

Tonight, for the first time since moving into my own place, I ate dinner on the couch in front of the tv.

I had grandiose plans to get some work done tonight. I actually brought some home with me. And there is always eBay..I'm constantly listing and/or relisting....but I think I'll be vegging on the couch instead, flipping between the football game and The Two Towers while working my jigsaw puzzle and/or reading Narnia.

Bummer does describe the past few days. However, Total Bummer
does not. There were a few good moments.

There was a fun 2 hour foray to University Commons that started with a sandwich at Schlotsky's and ended with coffee and a few purchases at Barnes and Nobles.

Andy and I had great conversation and a couple of nice strolls. It is nice to be able to be friends and talk again. It has been a long time. Too long.

There was a family gathering/housewarming at Shannon & Shepard's apartment. It was a good time. The best part was seeing Shannon so happy. She also seemed quite relaxed & comfortable. I'm very proud of her.

This week has to be better than last, doesn't it? And this weekend I know for a fact will go much better than last weekend. More on that later.

I was hoping this entry would make me feel better. I think I'll go to the couch now. Aslan is over there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its real easy, when things are tough, to dwell on the bad and not see the good.
You are doing an a very good job at looking for the good in the midst of the bad.
I'm very glad that you see me as part of that good. Know that I'm always here for you. That my ear and heart are always open for you.
Love is is patient.
And my love will never change or cease where you are concerned.
I do hope you know that...see that...and can trust that.
I love you baby

10:06 PM  

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