Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Gas Grouse

A few days ago on the morning news I heard North Carolina has the third highest gas prices in the nation. We are behind only the District of Columbia and Hawaii. I was outraged! We certainly are not the third wealthiest state in the union.

Andy had to make a whirlwind trip to the midwest yesterday. In Ohio the gas prices were a full thirty cents cheaper per gallon than they are here. Indiana's are also lower priced at ten cents under North Carolina's prices.

Why? Why is it that North Carolinians are paying such an exhorbitant amount of money for their fuel? Then it hit me: gas taxes. We have a high rate of gas tax. I betcha Hawaii, DC, Ohio, and Indiana are not paying the same rate of tax on their gas that we are. And why is that?

Cigarette tax. Or lack thereof. Heaven forbid North Carolina raise their cigarette taxes. We just can't! We are a huge tobacco producing state! Our cigarette prices are lower than most other states - which is why people come here to buy their smokes. I see that something terribly wrong here. Am I the only one?


Sidenote to self on an unrelated topic: Don't let it keep you up tonight. Everything will be all right. To be yourself is all that you can do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok...well let's all start walking to where we're supposed to go. It looks like NC isn't going to put a lid on the gas some other states are doing. No...they'll let gas prices keep going through the roof...but let's not bother the tobbacco people. After all, only a few of us drive cars...but we ALL smoke.

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do love my Bicycle.
More and more.
And a scooter isnt looking bad either :)
lets see... I could sell my car, buy a scooter and 1833 gallons of fuel which would get me.....
183,333 miles not counting the insurance and license fees I would save :)

9:26 AM  

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