Friday, October 14, 2005


...Or Stuff-n-Nonsense...
I found this nifty idea on a blog site that I visit frequently. I thought it was fun, so here ya go:

Directions for the game:
1. Go to Google "Images."
2. Type in the following and post the first (or your favorite) picture the search engine finds.
- The name of the town where you grew up
- The name of the town where you live now
- Your name
- Your Grandmother's name (pick one)
- Your favorite food
- Your favorite drink
- Your favorite song
- Your favorite smell
My Results:

The town where I grew up:

This was a hard choice because of my military brat background. I really wanted to use State College, Pennsylvania, but the truth is I arrived in Havelock at the tender age of eleven. *shrug*

The town where I live now:

Okay, so I used Greenville instead of Winterville - but the only image that came up for Winterville I'd even remotely consider using was a picture of Matthew Lilley!

My Name:


Grandmother's Name (paternal):


Favorite Food:

Pasta, Pasta, Pasta! (no, not "ceramic")

Favorite Drink:

Was there any doubt?

Favorite Song:

You have got to be kidding. One song? Choose One Song? Not possible. Anyone who knows me knows that just is NOT possible!

Favorite Smell:


Your turn! If you do this, please send me a comment & include a link to your blog so I can take a peek!


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