Monday, April 10, 2006

Monday Morsels

Just a few little tidbits about my day...

This morning saw the return of cardinals to my bird feeder! Okay-cardinaL. As in singular. There are more to come, I am sure. Still, I was delighted to see this early bird. This evening Mr. Red was back, and this time with a girlfriend! He tends to sit on the ground munching on the squirrel food. She was up on the feeder. As is common with cardinals, he went to her a few times and offered to feed her. Cardinals are one of the few species of birds that mate for life. That is a nice thought, isn't it?

I forgot to take my Sudol this morning. When I realized my mistake I wondered how long it would be before I had a sinus headache - seeing as I have had just one minor headache since I started the medicine. My wondering did not last long. By 9:30 I had a full-blown one that was barely kept at bay by my usual over the counter meds. It was only one dose, but it feels like I've gone backward quite a few steps. I'm dizzy again - though not to the extreme I was last week. My throat is a little raw, and my ears are weird again. The moment I came home this evening I took one of those gigantic horse pills. Hopefully by my dose tomorrow morning I will feel as though I am back on track again.

Since stepping on the scale at the doctor's office on Tuesday, I have come to the conclusion that I really need to lose these pesky 7 - 10 pounds. When I tell people that they roll their eyes at me. Think for just a moment. When you gain 10 pounds, do your clothes fit? Do you feel as comfortable with yourself as you do when you are thinner? Do you like the way you look? Just because I am small framed does not mean I can carry an extra 10 pounds easily! I do not have the finances to buy a new wardrobe and I do not like how I feel when I'm heavier. We won't talk about how I look. Suffice it to say I put the weight on in one place, and it is an undesireable place at that!

So, I took carrot chips and grapes with me to work today. I also carried my usual granola bar and bagged snack. Lately it has been the 100 calorie goldfish bags, but today I had graham crackers. The minute I started feeling hungry, I ate my carrots. They were yummy and I felt satisfied. Then the craving for chocolate set in. I fought that craving (successfully) all day long! I ate the grapes...and then I got some spaghetti from the cafeteria. And then...

Hey, everyone has their weaknesses, okay?


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