Thursday, March 30, 2006

What I Could Say...

...will remain unsaid. I do not see the point behind accusatory reminders or punctuating my thoughts with little jabs. Cryptic verbal gymnastics does not hold the thrill it once did. With the exception of this post, I guess.

Everyone makes their own way in the world. They do what they think is best for them. I have no qualms or say-so. I also have no regrets. Things are the way they are because of choices people have made. There is still one physical tie that binds, preventing the making of their own way from being entirely true. I am thinking it may be time to cut that one tie. No matter what happens, the emotional tie will forever remain. That's the way it works with Moms.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a sign of maturity is realizing that no one will ever agree with you 100% of the time, nor can you be expected to agree with family and friends 100%.
The thing to learn is that you dont cut off family and friends 100% because you dont always see eye to eye.
You just 'agree to dissagree' and come together where you do agree. Enjoy the other person where you do have common ground and dont bring up the stuff where you know you will disagree.
So may people think a relationship has to be all or nothing. Thats such a shame and we all miss out on a lot of good times and a lot of love.
When you demand 'all or nothing' in a relationship you will probably be left with 'nothing'
And thats so very sad for all concerned.

6:31 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

Very good point, Baby. There is no middle ground there. It is either win-win or lose-lose. Only the passage of time will reveal how this one will turn out.

7:14 PM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

Be encouraged. I've been told by several people that coming-of-age-young adults often go through a wilderness of sorts in trying to find their independance, to establish their way. It is extremely hard on the Mama-person. No matter what, you can't just walk away...this is your child! It is a forever tie. I'm told, though, that eventually the young person will come back around and find the good sense they once had and return to those who love them forever and unconditionally. I pray that is so for you & yours.

11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with your comments, Sometimes it does take a complete break, total separation in order to fine ones true self.

A parent's love should be a representation of God's love...
Unconditional and non judgemental, but requiring a 'free will acceptance'.

We cant push our love, only be there to offer it when needed.
Which we do.

7:00 AM  

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