Friday, April 07, 2006

The Time Has Come

For the past several years the scissors have been sharpened and standing by for such a time as this. Little did I know the cutting of the apron strings would be brutally forced upon me. Years of self-preparation were no preparation at all. I knew the "when" would not be my decision, but I thought the 'how' would come a little easier than it has.

A few people have told me the breaking away is more violent with some than with others. That perhaps the fledgling feels a need to completely sever all ties in order to feel independent. Maybe. All I know is a course has been taken that was not my choice. Like it or not, I must live with that choice. I have never said my way is the only way. However, I do firmly believe some paths are easier than others, so why not take the easier road when possible?

Life is a complicated maze of twists and turns. We often get lost and have to back track in order to find our way. The key is not to block the path we on which tread lest we have to turn back. We may find out that particular road is no longer accessible to us due to what we have chosen to do in the past.

Because of events over the last 24 hours, I have decided to cut my particular last tie. This decision is mine alone to make. With a deep breath, I have my scissors at the ready as I take the next turn in the maze of my life.


Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

"The key is not to block the path we on which tread lest we have to turn back. We may find out that particular road is no longer accessible to us due to what we have chosen to do in the past."

I feel these are tough times for you and your family, however, what you have expressed above seems worthy of consideration at this time. We can not feel responsible for the actions of others, especially adults (even of our own seed), despite the fact that we may strongly disagree with those actions or be personally hurt by them. Have you considered that this is a test of your faith? Do not be too hasty to block the very road someone else may need to travel back on someday. My own experience was a painful journey but with a happy ending. It took great resolve on my part to prevent my wife from cutting all ties, but my way prevailed and I think contributed to the end result. You can tell me to shut up anytime now.

9:57 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

First, I would never tell you to shut up! I have too much respect for you to do such a thing.

Secondly, I did not mean to imply that -I- personally was planning to block paths. I am, however, going to help the person in question live what she has been saying for several months. "I am on my own...making my own way." As posted in a previous entry, Mom-ties are emotional ones and are therefore everlasting. Given the nature of life and the multiple paths we walk up on at any given time (meaning more than one path at a time), it should come as no surprise that certain things just cannot be revisited. This does not mean things are hopelessly lost or forever gone. It means things are going to have to change.

That change is not in my control, but I know Who has the ultimate control. Every move I make is steeped in prayer and consideration. At the risk of repeating myself, I am going to repeat myself: All I can do now is watch & wait.

10:08 PM  
Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...


Although we've never met, I feel I know you well enough to know you are a good person with a good heart. From your posts I know your faith is strong as is your love for your "lost one." In my heart I understand it is more difficult (and sometimes more heartbreaking) to be a mother than a father. As a man and father, I do tend to be more analytical as opposed to my wife who is more emotional. I think that may be nearly universal.

Oh, and "shut up" may have been a poor choice of words. More like stop me before I put both of my feet in my mouth. I continue to remember you and yours in my daily prayers, that God will watch over you and protect you and your family.

And "Bread"? That really takes me back a few years. I'm afraid they didn't make the ipod shuffle, but I do have at least one of their albums/CDs around here somewhere.

Take Care.


11:03 PM  

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