Saturday, April 01, 2006

How Could I Have Missed It?

My eyes opened far too early this morning. As I fought with the realization that I would not be going back to sleep, I let my mind wander. Why my thoughts rested on my wedding day are beyond me, but that is where I found myself. I had a mental picture of when Andy was reciting his vows to me. My hand was in his and he was looking at me full in the face when he said them.

I am not sure who took the picture, but a photograph was snapped at that moment. Perhaps that is why the image is burned into my memory banks. Even now I can see the expression on his face as he repeated the words love, honor, and cherish. His voice was soft, but the look on his face was softer. At the time, I did not know what I was seeing. It is not lost on me now. What I saw that day was pure, true, unending love. Since March 26, 1982, I have seen and experienced that love over and over again.

Of course our marriage has not been perfect. When I talked to Andy about this morning and how I just figured out what I was blind to all those years ago, he made a statement.
You don't throw something away just because it might be bad 10 percent of the time, if that much. The good far outweighs the bad.What are you going to do? Buy a new car because your old one needs new tires?
We live in such a disposable society. Belongings, cars, and relationships often get tossed aside for an "upgrade." Andy has had a couple of opportunities to throw me away. Words are inadequate to describe my thankfulness that he hasn't.


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