Wednesday, October 19, 2005



Snap Dragons

People generally refer to Wednesday as 'HumpDay.' I suppose I can understand the term since Wednesday falls in the middle of the week. However, "HumpDay" implies reaching a peak or pinnacle of some sort. That just isn't how it works for me.

For me, Wednesday is SlumpDay. It tends to be my most downtrodden day of the week. Fatigue, discouragement, and a general malaise seems to overtake me on Wednesdays and to be perfectly honest, I just don't like it. I don't like feeling slumpish. Emotional and energy-level rollercoasters do not suit me well.

The very same thing happened to me last week, and followed me into part of Thursday. Blech! Not that complaining about it will do me any good.

I'll just go off and pout somewhere.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember how Good Fridays are :)

8:24 PM  

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