Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Reason I'm Living...

The sun came out this morning. While it is true that I enjoyed most of my Saturday, much of it was overshadowed by a dark cloud.

Tears fell like rain from my eyes, but there always seemed to be a glimmer, a glimpse, a sharp ray of light piercing the cloud. That light of hope helped me keep my head up.

Sometimes, that ray came in the form of a person. At other times the hope came from within. Inside me! With no effort on my part certain truths flowed through me and brought me comfort.

My sleep last night was interrupted by vivid, real-life nightmares that threatened to keep me in a state of fear-tainted wakefulness, but sleep always returned and brought me peace.

Upon waking at 6am (thanks, Aslan!) I considered what to wear to church. Stepping outside my apartment I found the morning cool, clear, and bright. A bird was singing, and I knew today was going to be a great day.

During the worship service this morning I felt more like myself than I had in a long time. I had some thoughts, which are not unusual for me. When I go to church I typically ask God to speak to me. Today, the thoughts were about the purpose behind my life. I am to live my life the best I can. God wants me to inherit His kingdom, and the life I live needs to be lived to the fullest. I am going to get one shot at my time on this earth and I can't/won't take anything with me. I need to take joy in what I do and look for the beams of hope that pierce the dark clouds.

Perhaps this is what God meant when He talked about the overflowing, abundant life.

These thoughts helped me a great deal as that dark and stormy cloud reappeared on the horizon of my day. And that is as far as it got: the horizon.

Dear God, Please help me to live my life with the joy You intended. Help me Father to tap into the deep-seated happiness that I know rests in my soul. Let the light of joy so shine from me that it is a blessing to others and gives them hope.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see the light in your eyes returning,
The joy and expressivness that draws others to you.
This is what drew me to you so long ago, and has kept me by your side through the good times and the hard times.
The Lord is my salvation, but you are my joy and I am so glad to see that joy returning to you...
and to me.
I love you baby

8:13 AM  

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