Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Ben posted a short blog entry today. In it, he stated he thinks something is afoot. I must agree, even though I don't know what he's talking about!

Strange things are happening, to be sure. I think I'm hearing God talk to me again. It is coming in short phrases and sometimes in single words. I realize He never stopped talking to me. I take full responsibility for putting my fingers in my ears and shouting "la, la, la."

Here are a couple of examples:

Shannon and Shepard went out apartment hunting. They've moved into Village Green, but the way it all worked out; loopholes in leases, the availability of this particular unit, and how smoothly the whole move went are but a few workings in this situation. And since I have the space beside this picture, I will also add that things are working out extremely well for Shannon right now.

Back to Ben: He has been struggling with a 'permanent, incurable' hearing disorder for over a year. He has made a conscious decision to seek out his healing. When the hearing difficulties first cropped up, Ben believed God could heal him. He believed God wanted to heal him. But he didn't do anything about it. Something in Ben has come alive and he has decided to take an active role in his healing, doing what he believes is his part; all with positive results! I think it's just so awesome and I'm continuing to pray for him...even with the word I think I heard today ~ I know Ben reads my blog regularly (thanks, Ben!). He may suspect something because of an email I sent to him today. Ben, if you 'trust' my ears and want to know more, you know how to find me. Still, my faith is being strengthened by what Ben is exhibiting and experiencing. So thanks again, Ben!

I am still waiting to see what happens with this one: Last night I was going up the stairs heading back to my apartment when I noticed a dollar bill folded up and laying on one of the steps. Nobody was home upstairs at the time - not in any of the other units even, but there it was. I picked it up. My first thought honestly was, "I wonder who is going to need this dollar that I'll give away?" No one has come across my path yet. I'll keep waiting.

Oh yeah! The hard drive in Shannon's laptop fried. Now, remember she has just forked over big bunches of money in order to get settled into her own apartment. She really didn't have the money for a hard drive, but needs her laptop for school. Andy went to Best Buy and found this Seagate 60gig piece of electronic wonder. The thing is, Best Buy doesn't usually keep these things in stock. Andy got the last one. And Best Buy is running a special deal on them that started Sunday (We bought Shannon's on Monday, remember..and it was the last hard drive in stock) and runs for this week only. There is a $50 rebate. Shannon paid a fraction of Best Buy's going price. Well I'd say Someone is looking out for her! (And I don't mean her Daddy, either. Well I do, but I'm not referring to Andy.)

And now for the incident I think is strangest of all: While at work this morning I could not get the desire for a cup of coffee out of my system! I was considering using the cafeteria's microwave in order to "brew" a coffee single because I wanted java so badly. Then, Andy walked into the office with a mug of Starbucks in his hand. He said he just had a sudden, undeniable thought to leave his work and buy a cup of coffee for me. Sure, he got one for himself too, but still...he left work, drove to Starbucks, and brought a venti to me. Sweet. Very sweet. (Not the coffee, the gesture!) But also very strange. Weird, even.

I have to agree with Ben. Something is afoot. It is intriguing and exciting. I know I for one will be keeping my eyes open.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somethings a foot ???
My guess its your kitty wanting his wiskas'

10:19 PM  

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