Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Little Reminders

It is so easy to forget the important things! Maybe it is because when it comes to the things of God there isn't much that is tangible. God is not an "in your face" kind of Guy unless we ask Him to be.

This morning while driving to work I realized that as we tap into the love of God; meaning we accept His love for us and allow ourselves to love Him, it is easier to love others. It is through Him and His love that we experience what love truly is, anyway.

On the opposite side of that coin, if we walk away from the love of God we find our positive emotions shutting down. It is harder to love, harder to forgive, harder to be patient, harder to show mercy and be compassionate. Consequently, we begin to feel more negatively about ourselves and everyone else to include God.

Why do we continue to struggle with this? Why do we keep forgetting? Love God so you can love yourself. Love Him so you can love others the way you should. I'm going to try to get better at it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good insight and good advice

9:23 AM  

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