Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Frustration...and Peace

It is said a picture is worth a thousand words. Therefore, I thought I should spare you the words and show you a picture. I apologize for the lack of focus on this screenshot - clarity is sometimes lost in resizing. Now, imagine if you will 1.0Mbps for your internet connection. It is frustrating to say the least. Numerous emails have gone unanswered and I fear I will have to switch ISPs soon. Before this paragraph reaches a thousand words, I shall move on to the next topic:

Peace. I mentioned in a previous post that I am reading 2 devotionals. Imagine my surprise when one of them corresponded with my experience this past Sunday. Here is an excerpt (paraphrased):

"It is difficult to comprehend the love of God. Paul was hard-pressed to describe it, but he prayed that his readers would be able somehow to grasp the 'width and length and depth and height-to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge' (Eph 3:18). The reason we can never reach the depths of God's love is that it is infinite-beyond measure. If you ever feel alone and unloved, that you've sunk to the depths of dark despair, think about Ephesians 3:18. God's love for you is deeper than the Mariana Trench (the deepest spot in the ocean)."
'I have a Friend whose faithful love
Is more than all the world to me;
It's higher than the heights above,
And deeper than the boundless sea.'


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