To be perfectly honest, I am not used to being in demand. My children are (obviously) no longer young and therefore do not take up my time the way they used to. It is not that I regret their growing up, but I am not accustomed to being on people's "list" when it comes to social gatherings. Being wanted is new and nice but I've started feeling like I'm juggling my days!
Between work, Andy, the little time Pat and Shannon want, and the social opportunites that keep presenting themselves, I have become one busy lady. "The Girls" at work meet every Friday afternoon at a local watering hole. It is a great chance to let off steam from the workplace so that it doesn't haunt the rest of the weekend. I've been twice-after turning down six invites-and have decided I want to make what has become known as "The Appointment" a regular occurance for me.
Perhaps I am exaggerating. I'm uncertain. Take a look at my schedule for the next two weeks or so and tell me: Does my calendar seem awfully (or should that be wonderfully) full to you?
Tues, 25 October:
Sam's with Kiddo & Shepard to food shop for their party
Dessert, coffee, and a movie with Andy.
"My" day. Shampoo & color hairThursday, 27 October:
Clean up apartment.
Cook dinner at Cooper StreetFriday, 28 Octboer:
Go to band practice to lend my ear
The AppointmentSaturday, 29 October:
Dinner with Andy @ Panera Bread
Freeboot Friday!
Sunday, 30 October:Breakfast & grocery shopping
Yard work
In-laws arrive - coffee & dessert @ Cooper Street
Church31 October:
Lunch w/in-laws
Shan&Shep's Party
November 1-12:Work half day
Lunch with Andy
Joint counseling session
1st: Dinner with in-laws
2nd: David Crowder, Shane & Shane, (and someone else)concert
3rd: Band practice
4th: Dinner with in-laws
5th: I'd like to go to the Home Show at the convention center...(?)
6th: Autocross in New Bern with another couple from church
11th: Beach trip with Andy
12th-13th: Trip to Charlotte with Beth (Rennaisance Festival!)
Complaining? Am I complaining? Not really. But bear in mind that on top of everything else (to include working more than full time), I am attempting to read two books, one fiction and one non-fiction; plus two devotionals, one fiction and one non-....oh, wait. Maybe I -am- too busy. However, I wish to make one thing perfectly clear: I will not purchase a PDA! Ever!
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