Wednesday, May 10, 2006


The crud is slowly losing its grip. I actually worked all day today without going home in the middle of it to take a nap and doze through a dvd playing on my laptop because I didn't have the energy to stare across the room at the tv. Bit of a lingering cough, residual hoarseness, and slightly fuzzy head is all that's left. I suppose I got off fairly easy this time. I'm thankful.

I am also thankful for my friends who rescued me on Tuesday. Due to a major bout of poor planning by the boss, I had more to do than I could accomplish in one day. Beth and Janis came to the rescue, using both their energy and enthusiasm to help me complete a task. Janis even put her plans aside and made the dreaded trip to town. For her part, Beth created some really awesome signs for me because of my vocal struggles. They say, "Yes," "No," "I Don't Know," "Ask {insert boss' name here}," and my personal fave, "Frankly, Scarlet..." I have used them much to the amusement and stress relief of the staff members who were lucky enough to have a sign tossed up at them. I think I'll keep those signs. Never know when they'll come in handy!

She called me today while I was at work. The subject matter wasn't the most pleasant - not her fault - but it did me good to have her call and seek some counsel. She even asked if I were upset about the situation, but I wasn't. Because she is (almost) truly on her own - it is merely a matter of time, now - the life decisions she makes are hers alone. She bears full responsibility. Therefore, I do not get upset when she chooses something I would not choose. It has made life much easier. At any rate, it was very nice to hear from her.

This evening while fixing something to eat I shook the bottle of Worcestershire sauce. Guess what? It makes a really cool "wiggy wiggy wiggy" sound when you shake it. Who'd have thunk it?

On tap for next week: Her birthday & birthday dinner, a counseling session, choir practice (faith that my voice will be completely restored by then), and the biopsy that has been scheduled. And that is just what has been planned! Who knows what else will come up?

Life can pretty intriguing.


Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

Glad to hear you are up and around again (albeit recovering). Be sure to get plenty of rest so you don't suffer a relapse. Sounds like your schedule doesn't allow you much time off for rest.

11:40 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

You know I will be glad to laminate your signs and make them permenent just like our friendship!

1:18 PM  

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