Saturday, April 29, 2006

Saturdays and Other Stuff

Saturday used to be my least favorite day of the week. That's right - it was despised even more than Monday! Why? For years I felt compelled to clean the entire house from top to bottom every Saturday, along with doing all of the laundry and the grocery shopping. No wonder the thought of Saturday would toss me into a tizzy-filled depression! I bet you would seriously dislike Saturdays if you felt all of that had to be done.

Time has a way of changing things. My life is much simpler and therefore more peaceful now. (See symbol for "peaceful" to the left) I did not realize the Saturday expectations were self-imposed. I spent far too many years thinking all of that was expected of me. Now, I do only what needs to be done. Sometimes it is on a Saturday. Other times it is not. The point is I have started enjoying my weekends. Saturdays have "fun potential!" I know this will shock you to pieces, but there are times when things need to be done around the house and I don't jump up and do them when I notice them! I know, right? *GASP!!*

Life is far too complicated to add self-imposed difficulties. Yes, some things are out of our control. However, I have a new mindset: Control what you can. Everyone needs time to rest, relax, and recuperate after a long hard week. In fact, we need some R&R every day. I want to encourage you to make sure you take time for yourself. Find a little time every day to do something just for you. The world will not stop. In fact, you will be more effective, more productive, if you put daily R&R into practice. Life is far too short to spend it all uptight about stuff. As my dad likes to say, "Enjoy your day."


Blogger 34quinn said...

I think I deleted my own comment.
Just wanted to say HI and that I liked your post about saturdays. Similar to a post I wrote recently .
come check out my site sometime.

5:20 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Saturdays are the day I try to keep as my "Sabbath." Sundays are just too full of activity to qualify as anything remotely approaching rest. It works out well, since Saturday is the day that the Jews observe as the Sabbath. Look...I'm more spiritual than other people! Woohoo!

(Recipient of the Most Humble Christian Ever Award, which he bestowed upon himself)

5:48 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

If this is what normally happens when your phone battery dies, I say - die on!

Thanks for the laugh.

6:11 PM  

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