Thursday, May 11, 2006

Snippets, Two

My (in-house) family members earned my gratitude this week. While I was feeling poorly, they were very understanding about the lack of meal preparation and house tending. Pat kept me laughing and Andy was lovingly attentive. Luke sang opera for me as only he can and Aslan was very affectionate, sticking close to my side. Thanks, guys. I love you.

My collection of unread books has grown steadily over the past few months. I am slightly frustrated as I seem to be unable to concentrate on reading for an extended period of time. Say, maybe 10 minutes. This is difficult for me to understand as I am a voracious reader who would rather spend her time with her nose buried in a book than almost anything else. Perhaps all of the recent events in my life have me overly distracted. This should right itself in time. At least, I hope so!

Tonight was the first time this week I have actually attempted to fix an evening meal. I would not classify tacos and corn on the cob a true meal, but it was a start. The corn really needed to be cooked. It was purchased on Saturday and had been sitting in a brown paper bag ever since. As for the tacos, Andy chose them over two other possibilities, so this barely nutritious meal really wasn't my fault!! :o)

I guess I am not going to be a very 'good' Christian the next two weeks. I will be in New Bern on the 21st, watching an autocross competition. Andy, along with some friends we have known forever will be racing. It is great fun when the weather cooperates & I remember the sunscreen!

In my house, Mother's Day comes and goes with as little hoopla as possible. I am not overly fond of this particular 'holiday,' so I tend to shy away from celebratory activities. Therefore, I will avoid church and its usual recognition of mothers and spend the morning at Cracker Barrel instead. It has become a tradition for Andy to take me to breakfast on that day. I do not see a reason to change it, now.

Why, I have been asking myself, is there a three cent difference in the price of gas between the north end of town and the south end? Has anyone else noticed that? It makes no sense to me. It costs the gas station chain the same no matter where the gas is delivered, so what's the deal? Do the north end dwellers know? Do they drive 4 miles south in order to reap the benefits of a three cent discount? Hmm...

I am a true Trekker. A cable channel has been very accommodating of my addiction by airing two back-to-back episodes of TNG every evening for quite some time. Until this week. What has happened? Where is my show? When is it coming back? Who idiotically decided to cancel? How could they do this to me? I miss my show. :o(

The "Network of the Slovak Tax Administration" has become a regular reader. That just tears me up. Someone is obviously linking to me through another website instead of directly. There is no referring link so I've either been saved in some Slovakian's favorites *giggle* or they know the url by heart. (wow!) I suppose I should be flattered. Most of the time I pretty much know who it is - so why the "covert operation" is beyond me. Ah well, 'tis good for a laugh!

Sleep well, everyone.


Blogger 34quinn said...

Glad you are feeling better now.
MY hubby is a scy-fy nutbar.

9:11 AM  
Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

Glad you are feeling better. This prayer stuff really works (just kidding). Looks like one of your cats is trying to evict the other from the box. We generally don't do a lot around here for mother's day as our anniversary comes right before it. Sometimes we hit the road to visit the grandparents. Having an anniversary so close to mother's day hasn't been without its problems, such as flowers not being delivered, crowded restaurants, etc. And my wife always says she's not my mother. I hadn't noticed the difference in gas prices but there again I do live on the south side of town. It's still high everywhere, and I think NC is one of the highest in the country. Try not to overdo the next couple of days as you complete your recovery.

10:04 AM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

I think you're right about the reading thing. When we lost our home in the flood in '99, I kept trying to read a book that I thought would help me through that time. But I literally could not concentrate long enough to read it and make sense of it. I finally put it back up and read it at a later time. I think that being under an incredible amount of stress affects us in many ways, one of which can be an inability to concentrate. Try not to worry about day it will just be *back*.

Hope you're feeling better soon!

9:30 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

quinn, Thanks for stopping by. I truly believe my love for Trek began when I was 7 or 8 years old. My brother watched it religiously and wanting to be with him every chance I got, I would often join him in front of the little black and white tv that graced our family room.

Chet, I tell Andy the exact same thing! I am not his mother! He still gets me a card and as mentioned in this entry, takes me to breakfast. I think he looks out for me, making sure I get at least a little bit of recognition. [whether I want it or not! :o) ] And thanks for reminding me not to overdo. Now that I'm not coughing, sneezing, wheezing, or aching non-stop, I've remembered that silly anemia thing. Time to get back on the proper diet and remember to pace myself. ICK!!

Carolyn, It is comforting to know I do not face the "reading crisis" alone. Hopefully one day soon I will stop just looking at the books and actually pick one up & open it!

10:02 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Hey, No you are not Andy's mother and I am not Aaron's although I ended up taking care of him ... but with them we created miricles and gifts that are our children. I recognized him on Father's day as a way of appreciating the gift we shared together as being parents. Now it is about my mom and my girls. Glad you are feeling better, things will get better at work if we look for the positive and not expect the negetive. (yes, I know it is inevitable and daily but I will not let it change me or get me down)~the eternal optimist.

1:10 PM  

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