Friday, May 12, 2006

Fun Friday

This post, I have determined, will be mostly lighthearted. Lately I have come across as such a whiny complainer! Admittedly, a lot of things have been 'getting to me.' Must do better...must do better...must do better. Being bombarded on all fronts is probably too much for anyone. Perhaps I am being too hard on myself. At any rate, isn't this a lovely picture?

Today is my office mate's birthday. There was a banner hung and some cards & gifts given. An entire class of first graders made cards for him. They were delivered by two girls. When he asked them to sing "Happy Birthday" to him, they started swaying in time and gave it a valiant effort. When they got to the "Happy Birthday dear...." part, they were at a loss so I filled it in for them. Then one girl started with the "May God bless you...May God bless you..." Priceless in a public school, my friends. Priceless.

I made plans to meet Clay after work in order to pick up jewelry that had been special ordered. (Some of it mine, yaay!)While stopped at an intersection, a man on a bicycle decided to ride around behind my car. He hit it! He pedaled on, shaking his head as if it were my fault. I bet his bike doesn't have a scratch on it. My car does.

The good news is I met Clay at Dunkin Donuts. The aroma in that place can make me drool on the spot! However, I did not purchase a single donut. Understand that while I have lived in the south for over 30 years, I am one of the few who know the truth. Dunkin has KK beat by several miles.

On the radio this morning I heard that the Kinston Indians are letting all Moms into their Sunday game free of charge! I haven't been to a game in years. If the weather will cooperate, Sunday afternoon will find me at Grainger Stadium prepared to prove (somehow, some way) that I am a Mom and worthy of free admission.


Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

I hate to admit it but I haven't been to a Kinston Indians game since the divorce, and you know how long ago that was. My ex was a baseball fan and we used to go weekly during the summer. it was cheap entertainment for a young couple with no money. One of our cars even had a dent on the hood from a foul ball that went into the parking lot. Ann isn't much for baseball, would rather go to the movies, which is also ok by me. Nothing better than a hot dog at the ball park on a summer evening. Fun. You would have gotten a kick out of the games played during the major league umpire strike many years ago. The minor league umpires were called up to the majors and minor league was using little league umpires. The crowd used to yell "tar and feathering is still legal in this state." They really were quite bad.

11:08 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Hey, if you are going to see Clay, let me know I have checks for him too.

I love baseball and have been going to the Mudcats cause of my dad. We should plan an outing. I agree with Chet, nothing better than a hotdog at a game.

We should plan any outing. Even though I see you almost everyday, I miss you terribly.

1:15 PM  

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