Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I got a phone call today. More medical testing is on my horizon. I was told to expect it but hearing the news while experiencing a physically difficult day was sort of deflating. It's all good, though. I know whatever happens I am going to be fine. A diagnosis is the goal. Testing is the way to reach the goal. Let the fun begin.


Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

Yes, yes. More tests leading not just to a partial cashectomy but a complete cashectomy. Specialists are much better trained for this procedure than are your regular docs.

All kidding aside, I hope they are really looking for something specific and not just running a battery of tests for the sake of it. We are very good in the ER at running the alphabet soup just looking for something wrong which may or may not be related to the presenting complaint (cbc, cmp, abg, ekg, bmp, bnp, UA, eeg, TSH, CT... you get the idea).

Careful or you could end up supporting the entire medical community of Greenville. Best of Luck.


12:53 AM  

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