Wednesday, April 19, 2006


And so the middle of my vacation sneaks up on me, making me pause and consider what I have accomplished thus far. In a day-to-day analysis, I suppose I'm doing fairly well. I seem to be accomplishing most of the items on my list everyday. Yesterday I dusted and got 2/3 of the weeding done, but still did not get around to listing my items on ebay. Friday and Saturday hold the possibility of rain, so perhaps those would be better days for ebay listings.

The doctor yesterday... Don't ask, because I don't want to tell. Suffice it to say I've already racked up a healthy sum of which I will have to pay at least 40%. And we are not finished yet. I have yet another appointment on Friday afternoon. And more testing to be done and analyzed. This is so not fun. It has me worried about how I'm going to pay for all of this. Maybe a second part-time job...

There hasn't been enough bike riding or walking. Other things keep popping up, eating into my/our time. And today I am afraid I am going to disappoint some people. I was planning to go to work but I just feel..gloomy...and don't really want to go. Others were going to show up for a little while to get things done if I went. Letting people down is something I dislike doing. Yet, I'm going to do it today.

Choir practice tonight. I hope my stormy attitude improves before then.......


Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

Empathy...I always have my to do list and can't seem to get anything done when I have to spend my free days at the store troubleshooting the week's problems that have accumulated in my absence. I did finally finish my taxes and mail them (on Monday of course). I always say "if I just had a little time off", but time is so fleeting that some of these projects have been on the list for two years now. And now I am told the bathroom needs repairs and remodeling (scibbling on my to do list one more item).

10:09 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

Ah! But today ended up being fairly productive-even after giving in and taking meclizine. I hadn't taken it in awhile, even though I've been pretty whoosy. Being on vacation, it didn't matter if I zoned out for a couple of hours, which I did. Then, I went out and finished weeding that blasted flower bed. Afterwards, I cleaned the bathrooms. For tomorrow? I wouldn't dream of spoiling the suspense! That information will be saved until tomorrow morning. :o)

10:16 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Others were going to show up IF you went but could have gone anyhow IF they chose to. But they would rather go when they could see you. As one of the ones that would have gone in to get things done ... well, I got them done anyway someplace else. The only disappointment I have is that my dear friend is feeling gloomy and I wish I knew what to do for her. I can tell her I love her and she did not let me down in the least today!

5:04 AM  

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