Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Monday Summary & Tuesday

Looking back over my list from yesterday, I think I did pretty well. I did not weed the front flower bed and I did not list items on ebay. Other than that, the rest was completed. I am uncertain how productive I will be today.

First of all, I have a doctor's appointment. We all know how much time they tend to take up...spent waiting, mostly. Apparently some of the blood work from my last visit came back funky. They're talking anemia, which is no big deal. But they want to draw more blood today and run more tests. Yeah. Taking three more vials from me is really going to help the anemia, isn't it!? I had a horrible dizzy spell last night, sitting right here on the couch. Seeing as my faith in doctors has taken a severe hit over the years (Chet is not included - he has never treated me or my family for anything), I am first nervous and second, slightly scared. This dizziness is getting on my nerves!!

Depending on when I get back from my appointment, I may tackle the flower bed. It is really more grass than weeds. The rain yesterday has softened the soil, which will make the job easier - but it still may take 2 days to complete. The flower bed is north facing which is good, considering I got a little too much sunshine on my shoulders yesterday while mowing. No, I didn't remember to put on sunscreen. It isn't that I do not like gardening. In fact, it is something I really enjoy. It is the investment of time that weeding requires. Ah..but I am on vacation this week and have nothing but time!

I wonder how wiped out I will be after the doctor's appointment. Perhaps today would be the day to list my ebay sale items. I do not have that much to sell, but once again it is an investment of time. I will not have four for dinner tonight, so maybe working on the listings would be a good idea.

Finally, there is the dust. Far too much of it, really - especially in the back part of the house that most people do not see. Therefore, the dust cloth rarely makes it back there. However, it is starting to bother me so I guess the time has come. Dusting will be the last thing on my list, to be sure. Besides, Andy might want to take the Burley out this afternoon!

Employing the oft-quoted words of my illustrious leader, "Make it a great day...or not...the choice is yours!"


Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

I don't have a great affection for doctors either. I avoid them like the plague. When I was young my grandmother would choose home remedies over going to the doctor. She said our family doctor was a drunk and was only good for signing death certificates. Hopefully times have changed a little. Even though it's my profession, my little one was not up to date with her immunizations for kindergarden and we still prefer to "wait it out" over running to the Emergency Room (refer back to my finger injury). Hope they weren't too hard on you (or your checkbook either). Unlike many in the medical profession, I don't come from a long line of doctors. My older brother and I were the first to graduate from college in our family line. So I probably don't think like most of the establishment either.

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because of my dad's health problems over the years, I generally grew up thinking about doctors as guys who often scratched their heads and were unable to come up with a diagnosis. (Since they only recently diagnosed him, after at least 10 years)

Only recently have I realized this isn't an accurate way to look at doctors...first impressions really stick...

Hope things turn out well!!

2:04 PM  

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