Friday, April 28, 2006

Am I Boring?

My readership has really plummeted lately. I suppose I am redundant and can be a little boring from time to time. And then there is the matter of unfinished books (i.e. Lucado's Cure for the Common Life) that I planned to outline here. To be honest, I think I would be much more interested in reading Clay's current book.

Ah, well. From the very beginning I set out to keep a journal for my sake. I thought if in some way I could help or encourage other people - if by no other way than by giving them someone with whom to identify - then blogging would not be done in vain. Posting new things is enjoyable to me. I will continue to do so until it is no longer fun.

My week ended much as it began. Work was as stress-free as I can ever remember it being. In fact, it was almost enjoyable. This week was Administrative Professional's week and there was a little bit of recognition - which is nice.

Others noticed for the first time that I am moving much more slowly than usual and often have to stop to grab something in order to keep my balance. Concerns were expressed, which was nice. Feeling this way is becoming the norm for me - I guess I am acclimating and/or desensitizing to the symptoms.

My weekend promises to be full. That is nice. Several people have expressed an interest in spending time with me. It feels very good to be wanted & needed.


Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

Well I'm still here and read your posts with great interests. You have given us some reasons to smile lately (ie. recent dinner guest) and yes I share some concerns over your recent health problems (well duh it is what I do for a profession).

I've taken a little break from blogging recently but am rapidly building up lots of news to share (some good, some bad, some inspiring, etc) and plan to be back in early May. I almost broke down and started writing a blog entry but decided to wait until my self imposed exile is over.

Your inspirational entries make me smile and I thank you for them. Blog on.


10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just finished that book today... maybe I'll let you borrow it

1:13 AM  

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