Wednesday, April 26, 2006

God is Nifty Like That

If you are a regular reader, you know that I received some assurance from God on Sunday regarding my life. Since that time I have experienced peace. Don't misunderstand. Physically, I have struggled. Monday was the best day so far this week and yesterday was definitely the worst. Today was smack dab in the middle. People at work have noticed, but say little. That's good.

You may be wondering why I say God is nifty if I'm not feeling any better. The answer is quite simple. Even though Andy has been away; leaving me to perform his daily household responsibilities along with mine, I have felt less stress this week than I have in a long time.

Work has been surprisingly easy. I have had plenty to do, believe me. It is just that there isn't any real stress. My boss has been swamped with work so she has pretty much had to leave me to my own devices. Amazing how much I can get accomplished when I'm not being micro-managed.

Not only that, but because my boss has had way too much to do all by herself, she has asked for my input -and- taken my suggestions. Not that I think my suggestions always the best ones, but to my way of thinking that sort of cooperation is a proper working relationship. She has been too far behind to be paranoid. It has been refreshing.

The Lord has been speaking to me about her. She is not what I would call an effective manager by any stretch of the imagination BUT she works hard, has everyone's best interests at heart, and is generally a good person. I need to keep that in mind.

Like I said: God is nifty like that. And I am thankful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like a jolly good time.
at least inside.
(my word verification is "dumpxgr"...dump ex...grr...something, made me smile)

9:52 PM  

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