Tuesday, May 16, 2006


While engaged in a conversation with someone today a strange chord was struck and I became painfully aware, once again, of perspective and how it can differ from person to person. One party may see things in a very clear cut manner. Conversely, the other party may have a crystal clear perspective that is a complete opposite. Is there one "right" or "wrong" in these situations?

I say no. In fact, there are multiple perspectives to just about any situation. This is why I am not an advocate of black and/or white, left and/or right points of view. Yes, there are some absolute truths, but if we were to really think about it we would realize that life is dealt with mostly in shades of grey. We feel our way through this fog of grey as best we can, remembering that we do not walk this journey alone and everything we say and do can positively or negatively affect the people around us. The majority of the time the people around us are those we care about most.

Are you in a place of hurt right now? Did someone say or do something that bothered you? If so, did it happen exactly as you remember? Do you think the other person sees it the same way you do? Perhaps the emotional and/or psychological split was not as one-sided as you may think.

In fact, it probably wasn't.


Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

I've always felt it odd that we live in a shades of grey world and are constantly asked to be black or white. Issues are either right or wrong, you are with us or against us, etc.. There is no allowance for looking at the good and bad sides of an issue and looking for a compromise. Compromise shows weakness and that is bad. This is especially true around election time but now seems to be true all the time. At work I can't get a discussion, I get a debate. And if you happen to be a member of a group, you are identified with all the issues of that group. With my religion I'm supposed to be against birth control (which I am not), with my political affiliation I am supposed to be opposed to God and country which I am not. Sometimes I may think an issue to death but I am willing to acknowledge that both sides often have a point. Maybe we are all talking and no one is taking the time to listen to one another.

Your last paragraph brings up the epiphany I had last summer about my previous marriage. Too bad it took me 23 years to understand the concept of seeing life through another's eyes.


12:43 AM  
Blogger 34quinn said...

absolutey correct !!!
Thank you for putting into words something that I have always thought but didn't know how to explain.

8:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup! At least 2 sides to every story. Blame can't be completely cast on one person 100% of the time.

9:37 AM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

Hm. I'm not really talking about blame, per se. More like finding a way to heal, mend fences, forgive. It runs more along the lines of giving people the benefit of the doubt.

2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*nods* That makes sense, too. :)

5:27 PM  

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