Sunday, May 14, 2006

Opponent Dependent

My son, the professional poker player (yes, really!), gave me this card:

The card is pretty neat all by itself. It matches his current lifestyle and everything! But that wasn't all. This is what he wrote in the card:

Opponent Dependent:

If my opponent believes his mom is best but is unsure, I would check and call all streets, so that he can continue to value bet the 2nd best mom without me scaring him off.

If my opponent does not believe his mom is best but feels he can bet me off my mom, I'll bet small and give him the opportunity to raise.

In the unfortunate event my opponent does have a better mom than me, then I go broke, rap the table and say, "nice mom," for my mom is far too good to fold.
That, my dear readers, even brought tears to his Dad's eyes.

"Someone said your mother knows you love her, so you don't have to tell her.
'Someone' was never a mother."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you see the note on the fridge door that i left?

i stopped by to surprise you but pat said you and dad went to kinston.

12:41 AM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

Yes kiddo, I saw it. Thanks for stopping by. Wish you'd have called or something ~ I think you would have enjoyed the Kinston trip. Not necessarily the ball game, but the other things...

Which shall be blogged about at a later date.


6:16 AM  
Blogger 34quinn said...

That is kewl ...
I absolutley love playing poker.
As a family we play every couple of weeks also, we only play for chips of course.
It's so much fun !!!!!

8:40 AM  

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