Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A Public Thank-You


You remember her, don't you? Yes, she is my boss. My illustrious leader. The champion of our cause. The tie that binds, the glue that holds us together, and the velcro of our organization...who is slowly making all of us fall apart. Today someone actually asked me if I thought she had finally gone completely off the deep end.

I digress.

Today I received my yearly evaluation. It was due on April 24th. Nevermind. It was dated May 12th and today is May 16th. Nevermind. The thing to mind is this: For the first time in twelve years I received less than a perfect eval.

Okay people, let us remember Connie is a perfectionist when it comes to herself and her performance. She did not get an A+++! Is she stressing? No, she is annoyed. Let us consider Connie's evaluation. Want to? Sounds like great fun to me!

Item 1: Less-than-perfect marks on "Follows rules and procedures." First, it is awfully hard to follow rules and procedures when they change every stinkin day! Secondly, some of them are just plain stupid so yeah, I may fight against them from time to time. However, I ultimately do as she demands, stupid or not, last minute change or not. So why the below superior rating?

Item 2: Below superior on "Works well under pressure." Well. This is the one item that I can actually accept as partially true. Still, me being who I am, I have something to say about it. (A) Just who is creating the pressure and (B) at least I do not yell at people and pound on tables when I feel pressured. Guess who does that? Hm?? If she is allowed to relieve pressure in that manner, why can't I relieve it in my way? Mine isn't nearly as mentally/emotionally harmful to the other employees. And she wonders why our climate survey always comes out so low in the area of morale!

Item 3: Less-than-perfect marks for "works on self-improvement." Now wait just a cotton pickin minute! First of all, I attended a 10 hour class on first aid and CPR this year so that I could be a first responder, which I was less than thrilled to do but she asked so I did it. Secondly, I requested that I be allowed to attend a workshop to help me better my skills with our bookkeeping program and she refused to let me go! Now, whose fault is this one?

Item 4: Below superior on "Accepts Supervision." You have GOT to be kidding! First of all, consider the source. What can she teach me? How to be late for every meeting, miss every deadline, and lose important documentation that can mean the difference between someone being able to keep their job or having to be let go because the supporting documentation is missing? Puh-Leeze. I couldn't do that if I tried! I do accept supervision from those who have something to offer: The 2nd in command, the counselor, and some of the other employees. I have to wonder how she defines "accepts supervision." I can see how, to her way of thinking, this one and Item 1 could be tied together.

No wonder I, and bunch of others, walk around singing our theme song which has a short and very easy lyric, but must be sung in the right tone: I love my job. Today I remembered that she is just silly. There's nothing more to it. She's silly.

Hm. I guess I really don't care. However, I guarantee you I will be making some comments in the provided space on that evaluation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah yes... old #3... we call it professional development... you have to figure out how to do that without money and without time off

I always wondered why employees don't get to evaluate bosses.. hmmm? I mean the employees know the most about the bosses performance... usually the bosses boss doesn't have a clue

8:44 PM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

You completely have my sympathy on this one! I once had a boss who
a) told me I was TYPING too loudly, b)that I used excessive color graphics (horrors!)and c)got mad whenever I took a sick day. The list could go on & on. I'm glad you've realized she is silly. It relieves a lot of the pressure when you realize you are not responsible for her behavior...you are just convenient.

I would, however, advise you to use the comments section diplomatically & wisely. The first time I did this in my naivety, she refused to speak to me for a week. Makes working together extremely hard.

"...Wise as a serpent...harmless as a dove..."


12:59 AM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

Clay, I do not understand why she is the only one who evaluates my performance. I work closely with the 2nd in command and the other staff members. I also am required to work with vendors and people up at the "Big House." Why don't they have a say?

Carolyn, Well do I understand the need to be careful with my words. The only thing I plan to point out is my attendance at the first aid/CPR class, my attempts to attend the other class, and that I am also in therapy in a valid attempt to "improve myself." One thing I feel the need to say about her - she may get upset with a person one day, but after the 'discussion,' the matter is usually closed and the next day is a fresh start. Would that I could do that!

6:18 AM  

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