Monday, April 17, 2006

Sunday Recap & The Week Ahead

Yesterday turned out pretty nice! Sundays are always draining for me because of all of the energy expended at church - singing for both services, etc. Still, here is a recap of yesterday's events:
*It was wonderful to see & speak with her, however briefly.
*I had to take meclizine for the first time in several days. Okay, so that part was icky.
*The church's Creative Arts Department's presentation for Easter was a huge success.
*Rode the Burley with Andy for a little over 8 miles.
*Played with the pansies a little. (They're still alive!)
*Sat on the deck in the cool of the evening & read, worked some Sudoku puzzles, mused.
*Had good conversation with Andy
*Made beef fajitas for dinner - they weren't too shabby!
Not bad, eh? Today I have a list, too.
*Finish laundry.
*Have brunch/lunch with a friend..still waiting for her to call!
*Go to Wal*Mart. (ew!)
*Mow the lawn.
*Grill chicken & make stir fry veggies for dinner.
*Weed the front flower bed in preparation for the impatien's return.
*List some items on eBay.
The last three items (especially the vacuuming *wink wink* can be carried over to tomorrow if need be.) My wish list for the week?
*Eventually get the entire house cleaned up.
*Bike rides with Andy.
*Actually...go to work (Wednesday? -wince-)
*Doctor's appointment Tuesday (ick!)
Well, my friend just called. We're meeting at Panera in 30 minutes, so I guess I'd better get moving!! *sigh* I suppose that trip to Wal*Mart is going to happen today. It's okay. I have to go to the post office for Andy, too. Have a spiffy day!!


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