Sunday, April 16, 2006

Joyous Resurrection Day!

What a difference a few days can make in the course of a person's life. In the case of Christ, the last few days of His life has the ability to change the course of the entire world! Most of the people with whom I have contact have chosen to believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Given the opportunity, all of them would speak of the intriguing and blessed journey that belief has brought them.

From being bruised, battered, and bleeding ... dead and carried to a borrowed tomb to:

Then the angel spoke to the women. "Don't be afraid!" he said. "I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn't here! He has been raised from the dead, just as he said would happen." (Matthew 28:5-6a NLT)

That empty tomb reconciled us to the Creator of the universe; a holy, omnipotent, loving God who wants fellowship with His creation. Sitting here thinking about it causes a flood of thankfulness & joy in my heart. It is in Him that I have found a sense of completion. There really is a God-shaped hole in each person that only He can fill.

Sure, I have walked through some very dark times in my life, just like all of you. No matter how helpless or even hopeless I have felt, I have always known I wasn't alone. I am grateful that knowledge outweighs emotion.

Scripture shows there were many times Christ walked with people and they did not know He was with them. The same is true for us. We truly are never alone. He is with us always, just as He said. Because of this, I must join my British friend in her favorite saying: Thank God for Jesus.


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