Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Word(s) for Today

As I come around the corner of my workplace each morning I am greeted by the sight of the car that is driven by a friend of mine. It is at that moment I am reminded to pray for the owner of the car. Today, my prayer was short and to the point: Lord, give her the answers she is seeking.

Getting an instant reply does not happen frequently, but there were words for my friend. They are good words and are applicable to anyone who may be searching for an answer.

There is no red tape. There is no magic formula for finding God's will for your life. "I know the plans I have for you," He said to (us and) the exiles in Babylonia through Jeremiah. What is the plan? To prosper you. To give you hope and a future. That is the plan.

The Babylonians had to walk through their exile. While there, they were instructed to marry, build homes, and start businesses. When the time came for their exile to end, God would step in as long as they remained true to Him.

So let us try it this way: We choose what we want to do ~ pursue the desire of our hearts, perhaps ~ do it to the glory of His name, walking in faith that He is with us and will bless our efforts, and He will cause us to prosper in what we decide to do.

Since starting this entry I have been reminded of some overused cliche's. "Can't see the forest for the trees," for example. We get so caught up in the process of HOW to find the answer that we do not realize the answer is right in front of us.


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