Monday, January 09, 2006


I'll get on with the tidbits shortly. First:

Now then:

1. Quizzes. They're fun to take but let's be real. Our answers are directly contingent upon how we feel at any given moment. The other thing with which I have a problem is the format. As someone who struggles against emotional extremes it is just too much to have a "strongly agree" or "strongly disagree" option! Just what is wrong with Agree, No Opinion, Disagree? Hmmm??? What? If I feel lazy or apathetic one day, I'll run right down the middle. If I'm agitated or decidedly "up", my answers will run against the sides. Yeah. Quizzes are fun. I will keep taking them. But I won't take them seriously!

2. Stiff Necks. It's better today to be sure. When I got to work this morning I told people I would probably not stay the whole day. It just so happenes that one of the assistants lost her room key and needed me to unlock her classroom's door. It just so happens this lady is a Christ-follower who is well-respected. As happenstance would have it, I had the sudden desire to have this lady pray for my neck.

Long story longer, I know virtue flowed. People kept asking me when I was going to leave work & head home but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Superstition is something of which I make fun...but I had the feeling if I gave in and left work I would "jinx" (for lack of a better word) whatever happened when she prayed. As the day wore on my range of motion improved. A lot. Sure. I'm sore and have been on the heating pad since I got home, but I'm definitely better. Prayer or time? Which do we claim as the healing agent?

I know what -I- claim...what about YOU?


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