Friday, January 06, 2006

It Wasn't All Bad...

Most of the time I try to see the positive side of things. That has been a difficult task the past couple of days. Work has been horrendous. My illustrious leader has frustrated my every effort and today she questioned my professionalism for the second time since she was promoted into her position. She is one of those people who assumes the worst about someone rather than the best. I realize this is the case for most human beings, but hers is deeply seated in oppositional defiant paranoia.

However, I did not come here this evening to discuss my work-related woes. After all, the title of this particular entry is "It Wasn't All Bad!"

Last night was fun! Four of we "Friday Girls" got together at Janis' house to eat salad and watch "The Graduate" in preparation for Sunday's viewing of "Rumor Has It." A friend of mine said something like the following: Rumor has it that 'Rumor Has It' is pretty awful. Probably. However, I will not mind looking at Kevin Costner for 97 minutes. Besides, we had a lot of laughs which resulted in many rewinds to catch missed the privilege of looking at a young Dustin Hoffman for 2 hours!

Last night was also NOT fun. Shannon ran into some car trouble. A dear old friend who has been sorely missed came to her rescue. Alas, the trouble resulted in a broken night's sleep for Andy and me and has left Shannon without a car for the weekend. Do any of you recall how tough that is for an almost twenty year old? Between the car trouble and still not being able to find gainful employment, my Sunflower is pretty low. Do you blame her?

There is (more) good news, however. Not only does our car insurance offer free towing service, but the problem with Shannon's car is covered under an unrepaired recall! That's right. Free, free, free!! Now y'all need to watch out for Hasting's Ford...they've tried to soak Shannon for unnecessary repairs which Andy has not authorized. Hopefully she'll have her car back by around noon on Monday because...

..she has an interview at Overton's distribution center at 2:00pm Monday afternoon! The job requires a nice telephone voice and typing skills. 85wpm & 96% accuracy coupled with her nice conversational tone was definitely a plus! She telephone interviewed today and the interviewer said Shannon sounded good so on she goes to step two of the process.

Sometimes it pays to know people in powerful positions. She may be getting a bit of help from someone we know. All that aside, prayers would be greatly appreciated.

But wait! There's more!

I went out with the Friday Girls this afternoon and ordered a beverage with which the ... beverage tender was unfamiliar. It's called a fiasco (which I thought described the week perfectly). Anyway, I ordered the pictured beverage and because he didn't know how to mix the requested form of liquid refreshment, I didn't have to pay for the one I got!

And finally...

I came home to find a full and complete refund of the security deposit I put down on the apartment. I left a very firm memo with the rental group when I turned in the keys, making them aware in no uncertain terms that I fully expected a complete refund. They tersely informed me it would be at least 30 days before I'd see any form of check...but a mere 16 days later, there it was in all its glory.

Maybe it is going to be a decent weekend...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ashley certaintly always seems to come to my rescue..
I love him.
he will always be my hero...

He told me that one of his EMT teachers was telling a story.. about a guy that drove a small black car that ran into a dump truck.. and what made it even worse was the fact that the kid had a brace on one leg already...

ashley stopped the guy and said "I know him so you can stop talking about it now"

his teacher was telling a story about pats accident in his class..
crazy huh?

but back to my point..
I love ashley.
he was shocked that I still had his key in my car.. i said that im werid and think of it almost as protection.. he said "a lot of good that did" i said "it did WAY good.. im not in a car accident am i?"

11:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ashley is a great guy, He really impressed me how he was there for you when you were so sick...and there he is for you again.
Thats the kind of guy a dad likes to see his daughter with.

6:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll have to ask Jason what's in a Fiasco. Maybe you can get another freeby by telling the bartender how to make it! I think Red Bull is one of the ingredients.


8:00 AM  

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