Monday, January 02, 2006

And So My Tale Begins....

...but probably not where you think it does! My trip to Utah was exciting and I experienced things I never thought I would. The strange thing is it all started on the plane while heading west. I was seated on an overbooked direct flight from Raleigh to Salt Lake. The overbooking split up several families. The person seated next to me on the plane was a gentleman and a father of two boys whose wife was in one spot and sons were further back. Only the boys were sitting together.

I suppose most people would have been upset about it but this man was not. He amiably talked to me about the family's yearly ski trip to Montana over Christmas and how he was lucky to even get on the flight with Delta's bankruptcy and ensuing reorganization. I could identify with him on that point, my own flight schedule having changed three times since August.

He told me about being a retired Navy fighter pilot and how he opened an RV customizing shop afterwards. He sold that business fairly recently and now travels a lot. Seems pretty run-of-the-mill, doesn't it?


He told me he's from New Bern! For those of you who don't know, I grew up between Havelock and New Bern just off of Hwy 70 W. Further, he told me he owned and operated Beck's RVs! Now think back a little. If you have ever gone to the beach via Hwy 70, you've either seen the big billboard or the place itself. I was flabbergasted!

This picture is from the now-defunct website for Beck's RVs. (cute, huh?) Being from the same area gave us a lot to talk about until the movie started. Mr. Beck had never seen "Cinderella Man" and tuned in. When it was over he mentioned how he likes watching movies on planes because they are edited for language. That comment brought on a conversation about how most "colorful metaphors" tossed into movies are unnecessary.

Can you tell where I'm going with this? Beck and his family are Christ-followers. And not only that - they are doers, as well. He started to tell me about his love for Nicaragua and the many missions trips he's taken there. He told me about how he is a changed man upon every return and that he's had to learn how to guard his heart or it would be broken each time he goes.

I think it is okay for me to tell you that I sat there listening to this dear, kind hearted gentleman with tears streaming down my cheeks. I know I wear my heart on my sleeve and cry easily, but who would have thought I'd be sobbing on a plane to Utah? Mr. Beck went on to say that he would move to Nicaragua permanently if only his wife would agree.

Our conversation turned to the beauty of God's creation and how the Truth really isn't hidden. Soon after, the plane landed and we went our separate ways. I'll probably never see the man on this earth again, but meeting him served a purpose: I was reminded of a colorful thing that took place in my head once that was full of needy, hopeful, and expectant faces. Granted, they were mostly Asian, but there they were just the same. It was then that I discovered my love for the nations.

I've asked God to show me how I can take that love and actually do something with it. I hope I hear an answer soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats awesome.

Ill go on a missions trip with you..
you know I have heart for missions..
[if it comes to you suppose to go to one]

Sounds like a lot better of a trip than when I went with you.. and that little kid was screaming at the top of his lungs until I would turn around and look at him..

the piolt sucking butt and making our ears hurt like WOAH!!


1:21 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

I'm starting to wonder if it has something to do with west to east travel and a lower altitude. Or maybe it's the size of the aircraft. Flying out I had no ear trouble at all - none! The plane was a 757. Coming back, the planes were much smaller and OW! Of course, I know I have fluid on my ears which didn't help.

Oh. Kela sent me home with a Christmas present for you - that you were supposed to get in '04!

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, remember the repair man who worked on the heater at Networld? Did he say he was from Nicaragua??? That would be too wierd.....

11:37 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

It would definitely be too weird. That's probably why the guy is from El Salvador! ;o)

6:35 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

Connie, God already has you doing a missions trip. Missions does not have to be far away or with pcoverty stricken people ... you know that ... he has given you to me in a time where I need your love and insight and support as I start this walk as a Christ-follower and single mom again. He also gave you this man to remind you of His love and support that is always with you when you stepped off the plane and into Oz! Your sister is very lucky to have you too!

9:52 AM  

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