Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Tonight I had plans to chronicle more of my incredible Utah expedition. I was looking forward to posting a few amusing things, but the fact of the matter is I'm exhausted.

There is a naked Christmas tree standing in the corner of my livingroom, but I had to force myself to do that much. My joints ache and I can hardly keep my eyes open. I've had a nasty headache for two days and wonder if maybe my body is fighting off some sort of virus. I hope it wins.

In other more exciting news, Penn State takes on Florida State in the Orange Bowl in just nine minutes! Go Lions! Joe Paterno and crew have had an outstanding year. Still, I expect the game to be a good one. Hopefully I will be able to stay awake for the duration.

p.s....Hi "Inktomi of Sunnyvale California"...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least your tree is naked -- mine isn't even close!


11:40 PM  

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