Sunday, January 01, 2006

There's No Place Like Home

There really is no place like home. I love my sister and the state of Utah, but I'm everso glad to be sitting here in my livingroom watching one of my favorite movies on network tv. Andy is outside tinkering with his new project, Pat hasn't returned from his New Year's revelry, and I've not heard from Shannon. Still, all seems right with the world. 2005 was painful to say the least but there was growth and a lot of things came to light. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that 2005 was a productive year.

Best wishes to you and yours in 2006.


Blogger Beth said...

Yes, 2005 was a very painful year but we got through it and will move through 2006 with a renewed strength and faith and the support of great friends. 11 days to d-day for me.... 2006 will be a good year because we will make it so! I am so pleased that you and Andy found each other again and found new love in each other too. You both deserve this wonderful reward to your hard work!

9:57 AM  

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