Thursday, December 29, 2005

If it Weren't for Glinda, the Good Witch of the North....

I would still be asleep! I lay my head on a pillow of poppies around midnight after another adventurous day in Utah, only to wake up this morning to little snow pellets peppering the ground. Snow in Oz was strange - and it is here, too. Ever since I've been here I have been traipsing around in sweaters - with no coat - and wishing I'd brought lighter weight clothing. Even late last night it felt like springtime as we walked from the restaurant to the car.

I cannot wait to arrive back in Kansas and begin to tell the tale of my trip to Oz. It wouldn't surprise me if just like Dorothy, I am met with accomodating smiles and comments that imply my adventure was just a dream.

I wonder what today will bring?


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